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সিএসআইআর-কেন্দ্রীয় কাঁচ ও সেরামিক গবেষণা সংস্থা
सीएसआईआर-केंद्रीय काँच एवं सिरामिक अनुसंधान संस्थान
CSIR-Central Glass & Ceramic Research Institute

Dr. Tarun Kumar Kayal
Chief Scientist & Head
Material Characterization Division (MCD)
Contact Information:
Phone: (033) 24733496 (Ex. 3360)
Fax: +91-33-24730957
E-mail: tarun@cgcri.res.in
Dr. Tarun Kumar Kayal
Dr. Kayal joined CGCRI on 01/06/1987Professional Career
Organization | Designation | Duration |
Engineer’s India Ltd., New Delhi (A Govt. of India Undertaking) | Asstt. Engineer (R & D) | 10.06.1985 to 26.05.1987 |
Chemical Engineering Section, Central Glass & Ceramic Research Institute, Kolkata-700 032 | One year STA + Scientist B to Scientist EII | 01.06.1987 to 30.04.2005 |
Non Oxide Ceramics and composite Divn., Central Glass & Ceramic Research Institute, Kolkata-32 | Scientist EII | 01.05.2005 to Continuing |
Degree | Discipline | University; Year |
B.Tech. | Chemical Engineering | IIT Kanpur |
Ph.D(Engg.) | Chemical Engineering | Jadavpur University. |
Research Interest
Ceramic process design and development (especially in the field of Non-oxide ceramics), Design and process optimization, High temperature ceramic reaction kinetics, Heat transfer operations, Conservation of energy, Environmental pollution control in ceramic industry, Non conventional energy sources (e.g. development and industrial use of bio-substrate materials generated porous ceramics suitable for radiation burner or hot metal filter etc.).
Landmark Research Contribution
- Developed a unique shaped porous alumina-silica ceramic material using luffa material as bio-substrate.
- Developed a low gaseous pollution emitting, energy efficient radiant ceramic heating burning system using above material as radiant burner.
Selected Publications
Publications: Summary: In SCI Journal Papers= 10; In Conference Proceedings= 04
List of Best Five Publications in SCI Journal
List of Best Five Publications in SCI Journal
- ) “Mathematical modeling of steady state updraft gasification of bundled jute stick particles of definite sizes packed randomly – an analytical approach”, T. K. Kayal, M. Chakravarty, G. K. Biswas, Bioresource Technology (UK), 60 (1997) p131.
- “Combustion of liquid fuel inside inert porous media : an analytical approach”, T. K. Kayal, M. Chakravarty, International J. of Heat & Mass Transfer, 48 (2005), p331.
- “Modeling of trickle flow liquid fuel combustion in inert porous mediam”, T. K. Kayal, M. Chakravarty, International J. of Heat & Mass Transfer, 49 (2006), p975
- “Modeling of a conceptual self-sustained liquid fuel vaporization-combustion system with radiative output using inert porous media”, T. K. Kayal, M. Chakravarty, International J. of Heat & Mass Transfer, 50 (2007), p1715.
- “Combustion of suspended fine solid fuel in air inside inert porous medium : A Heat transfer analysis”, T. K. Kayal, M. Chakravarty, International J. of Heat & Mass Transfer, 50 (2007), p3359.
Last Updated on July 28, 2022