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सीएसआईआर-केंद्रीय काँच एवं सिरामिक अनुसंधान संस्थान
CSIR-Central Glass & Ceramic Research Institute
Dr. Soupitak Pal
Senior Scientist
Advanced Ceramics & Composites Division
Contact Information:
Phone: +91-033-2473 3496 Extn. 3475
E-mail: soupitak@cgcri.res.in
Dr. Soupitak Pal
Dr. Soupitak Pal joined CSIR-CGCRI, Kolkata on May 03, 2021Professional Career
- Research Technologist at Advanced Instrumentation & Nano-Analytics (AINA) group at Luxemburg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST), Luxemburg, September 2019-April 2021.
- Post-Doctoral Fellow at Materials department of University of California Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, USA, October 2014 to July 2019.
- Lead Application Engineer at Process Diagnostic Control (PDC) division, Applied Materials, Santa Clara, USA, April 2013 to September 2014.
Educational Qualifications
Degree |
Discipline |
University and Year |
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) |
Materials Engineering |
Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, 2013 |
Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech) |
Ceramic Technology |
West Bengal University of Technology (WBUT), 2006 |
Research Interest
- Microstructure characterization of metallic, amorphous, ceramic and composite systems using advanced electron microscopy, atom probe tomography (APT), and secondary ion mass spectroscopy (SIMS).
- Deformation behaviour of high temperature materials, nanoindentation, mechanical testing, creep and fracture.
- Processing of non-oxide ceramics and composites (MAX phase ceramics, SiC, SiAlON, Si3N4, ceramic matrix composite) using Spark Plasma and conventional sintering techniques.
- Radiation damage study and design of new structural material for advanced nuclear reactors and accident tolerant fuel (ATF) development.
- Processing and structure-property correlation development for super hard-tough material design.
- Processing, characterization and structure-property correlation development of 2D-nanosheets (graphene, MXenes) and solid-state hydrogen storage materials.
- Phase equilibria, thermodynamics and kinetics, microstructure development in ceramic system.
- Computational Materials Science- VPSC, TEM image simulation, FEM.
- National Scholarship from Govt. of India.
- Best Poster Award at RASE conference held in NAL, Bangalore, India on June 2009.
- Acting reviewer of Journals: Material Science and Engineering A, Wear, Surface and Coating Technology, Material Science and Technology, Materialia.
- Early career invited speaker at the symposium “Mechanical Behavior of Nuclear Materials “, TMS-2019, San-Antonio, USA.
Summary: SCI journal-17, Technical report-7, Book Chapter-2, Conference presenation-19.
Five Selected publications:
- “Characterization of Phase Transformation and Microstructural Development of Electroless Ni-B Coating” –S Pal, N Verma, V Jayaram, S K Biswas, and Y Riddle. Material Science and Engineering A, 2011, 528, 8269-8276.
- “Texture Evolution and Microcracking Mechanisms in As-Extruded and Cross-Rolled Conditions in a 14YWT Nanostructured Ferritic Alloy”, authors: Pal, M. E. Alam, S. A. Maloy, D. T. Hoelzer, G. R.Odette, Acta Materialia,152( 2018) 1-20.
- “Quantification of hydrogen in nanostructured hydrogenated passivating contacts for silicon photovoltaics combining SIMS-APT-TEM: A multiscale correlative approach.”, Soupitak Pal, *, Jenifer Barrirero, Mario Lehmann, Quentin Jeangros, Nathalie Valle, Franz-Josef Haug, Aïcha Hessler-Wyser, C.N. Shyam Kumar, Frank Mücklich, Tom Wirtz, Santhana Eswara, Applied Surface Science, 555 (2021) 149650.
- “Correlative high-resolution imaging of hydrogen in Mg2Ni hydrogen storage thin films, “D Andersen, H Chen, S Pal, L Cressa, O De Castro, T Wirtz, G Schmitz, S Eswara. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijhydene.2022.12.216.
- “The mechanistic implications of the high temperature, long time thermal stability of nanoscale Mn-Ni-Si precipitates in irradiated reactor pressure vessel steels.” N Almirall, PB Wells, S Pal, PD Edmondson, T Yamamoto, K Murakami, GR Odette, Scripta Materialia, 181, (2020) 134-139.
Research Projects:
- “High Entropy Alloys for hydrogen storage application operable at Room Temperature (HEART)”, funding Agency: CSIR, Hydrogen Technology Mission, Status-on-going.
- “Development of Cf/SiC ceramic matrix composites (CMCs) for Aircraft Brake Disc Applications”, funding Agency: CSIR, Aerospace Material & Technology Mission, Status-on-going.
- “Scalable Synthesis of MAX phase ceramics to 2D – MXene: Molten Salt Synthesis Approach” funding Agency: CSIR-CGCRI, Status-on-going.
- “SiAION based Novel Composites for Rock Drilling: A plausible Alternative of Hard WC-Co composite”, funding Agency: Ministry of Mines, Status-Accepted.
Last Updated on March 24, 2023