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সিএসআইআর-কেন্দ্রীয় কাঁচ ও সেরামিক গবেষণা সংস্থা
सीएसआईआर-केंद्रीय काँच एवं सिरामिक अनुसंधान संस्थान
CSIR-Central Glass & Ceramic Research Institute

Specialty Glass
- Specialty Glass development and production constitute one of the major activities in CGCRI in view of their demand in the country for strategic applications. The main important variety of glass, which is currently either being produced for the Department of Atomic Energy are high density Radiation Shielding Window (RSW) glass. Starting from lab scale development, CGCRI has ventured into establishing pilot scale facility for technology demonstration and producing the materials to meet indigenous demand. Radiation Shielding Windows used in nuclear installations, are viewing devices, which allow direct viewing into radioactive areas while still providing adequate protection to the operating personnel. They are manufactured utilizing various types of glass blocks in densities from 2.5 g/cc to 5.2 g/cc. Glass blocks of 2.5 gm/cc are borosilicate type whereas the higher density glasses are based on PbO-SiO2-K2O system containing PbO in varying amounts. The density increases with increase in the content of lead in the glass. The glass blocks are stabilized against damage from radiation by introducing cerium in varying levels. The combination of glasses to be used in each window is worked out depending on the radiation shielding requirement and also for achieving optimum optical characteristics. Considering the essentiality of developing an indigenous technology to make the country self-sufficient for this critical item, CGCRI has taken up a major programme with the aim of achieving total indigenization in lead glasses required for RSWs under a MoU with BARC. As a logical extension to the lab-scale success, BARC and CGCRI, entered into an agreement towards attaining pilot scale indigenous manufacturing capability for producing larger size glass slabs. Under the terms of this agreement, CGCRI was required to not only scale up the high density glass production but also include in the manufacturing range medium density (3.9 gm/cc) glass blocks. CSIR-CGCRI has developed both un-stabilized and CeO2 stabilized RSW glasses of different sizes. Pt pot and bottom pouring technology (an indigenous technology) successfully demonstrated and pilot scale facility established for RSW glass blocks of sizes up to 400×400×100 mm and 700×700×35 mm. The reproducibility and reliability achieved in the aforesaid technology.
- Management of radioactive wastes is an important issue that needs to be resolved if nuclear power is to make a significant contribution to the country’s power requirement.. The need is to immobilize high level radio-active liquid waste (HLW) within a molecular structure so that they will not come out of the structure and be released to the ambience. Glass has emerged as the material of choice for immobilization due to its unique random network structure. The glass bead in the five component borosilicate glass matrix comprising of SiO2-B2O3-Na2O-Fe2O3-TiO2 with the impurity level of chloride and sulphate less than 200 ppm is a critical material required for management of radioactive waste in a closed nuclear fuel cycle that is followed by India and has been indigenously developed by CSIR-CGCRI in the form of spherical shaped bead of desired sizes having stringent physical, chemical and mechanical properties. It functions as feed base glass to produce vitrified product during Immobilization of Radioactive Waste. In this process, glass beads with specific composition are fed into a high temperature Joule Melter along with HLW in a predetermined ratio to make the product glass with the desired properties. This ensures confinement of the radio isotopes in a stable matrix and safe disposal with no threat to the environment. The innovation provides waste volume minimization, recovery and recycles of valuables during nuclear waste immobilization and is of significant importance for the country’s nuclear power program. The material is now being commercially produced by M/s H. R. JOHNSON, Mumbai using this technology to meet the requirement of Department of Atomic Energy. The development of the technology is a significant step forward towards country’s self reliance in this important strategic sector. Till date around 42 MT of material of varying compositions had been supplied to the vitrification plants in Tarapur and Kalpakkam Atomic Power Stations. The demand is going to increase with the waste management being introduced to other units in the country. The success has brought a considerable recognition for CGCRI and CSIR as a whole for its contribution towards nuclear program of the country.Based on the successful commercialization of the aforesaid technology and utilization of the material for nuclear waste immobilization in DAE’s ancillary units at Trapur and Kalpakkam, DAE has now shown keen interest to the support of CGCRI in multi facet manner to sustain their nuclear program. The followings are the significant information in this direction:
- Special Glass Nodules For Nuclear Waste Immobilization: Agreement for 7 Component Borosilicate Glass:
- New Development on Low Melting High Sodium Content (Na2O: 23 wt%) Glass Beads:

Areas of Research
- Specialty Glasses for Nuclear Hot Cell application
- Specialty Borosilicate Glass Beads for Immobilization of Nuclear Waste
Technology Developed
Technologies available/ Developed and Transferred:
Technology Developed and Transferred:
- Manufacturing Technology for Commercial Production of Five Component Borosilicate Glass bead (Composition – 1 with Na2O > 10 wt. % but <15 wt. %)
- Manufacturing Technology for Commercial Production of Five Component Low Sodium content Borosilicate Glass Bead (Composition – 2 with Na2O < 10 wt. %)
- Manufacturing Technology for Commercial Production of Five Component High Sodium content Borosilicate Glass Bead (Composition – 3 with Na2O> 20 < 23 wt. %)
- Manufacturing Technology for Commercial Production of Seven Component Borosilicate Glass bead
The signing took place on July 22, 2014 in Atma Ram Committee Room at CGCRI, Kolkata
Sl. No. | Sponsor | Title (Project No.) | Duration | Investigators / Member | Principal Investigator (PI) |
1 | M/s Prism Johnson Limited | Technical Service Project for testing & quality control of glass frit manufactured by M/s Prism Johnson Limited, [Project No: TSP 0101] | New project started during December 2016 and will be continuing as it is industry sponsored project | Mr. Shibasish Barik (Co PI)
Mr. Sirshendu Ghorui Mr. Alok Roy Chowdhury Mr. Mrinmoy Adhikary Mr. Panchu Gopal Pal Chowdhury
Mr. Sitendu Mandal |
2 | M/s Prism Johnson Limited | Development and production of multiuse specialty refractory pot up to 310 L for manufacturing of defect free RSW glass” as per the specifications laid down by BARC, DAE [Project no.CLP 0105] | July 2018-March 2022 | Mr. Santanu Sen,
Mr. Sourav Nag, Mr. Sirshendu Ghorui, Mr. Alok Roy Chowdhury, Mr. Shibasish Barik, Mr. Mrinmoy Adhikary |
Mr. Sitendu Mandal |
3 | CSIR-CGCRI | Development of technology for production of RSW glass in refractory crucible. [Project no. OLP 0574] | April 2019-March 2021 | Mr. Santanu Sen,
Mr. Sourav Nag, Mr. Barun Haldar, Mr. Sirshendu Ghorui, Mr. Alok Roy Chowdhury, Mr. Shibasish Barik, Mr. Mrinmoy Adhikary |
Mr. Sitendu Mandal |
4 | NRB,
Manufacturing, Inspection, Testing and Supply of 5.2 g/c.c. Stabilized Lead Glass Slabs of size 400mm x 200mm x 100mm
[Project no. SSP 0145] |
April 2016-March 2021 | Mr. Santanu Sen,
Mr. Sirshendu Ghorui, Mr. Alok Roy Chowdhury, Mr. Shibasish Barik, Mr. Mrinmoy Adhikary, Mr. Mihir Kumar Ghatak |
Mr. Sitendu Mandal |
5 | BRNS | Development of sol-gel based anti-reflection (AR) and high reflection coatings on large aperture quartz glass optics with high power Nd:Glass laser induced damage threshold and AR coating on KDP optics (GAP 0624) | 36 Months
(20.06.2018 to 19.06.2021)
Dr. Shyamal Das, Dr. S. K. Medda, Mr. S. Manna | Dr. S. Jana |
6 | DST, New Delhi | An integrated and collaborative India-US Research program: Improving Building Energy Initiative (GAP 0621) | 52 Months (including extension)
(21.03.2017 to 18.07.2021) |
Dr. S. Jana, Dr. M. K. Naskar, Mr. Srikrishna Manna
Dr. S. K. Medda |
7 | CSIR-CGCRI | Development of hydrophobic cum antibacterial/antimicrobial coating on cotton and plastic fabrics for making kits of health care professionals (OLP 0594) | May to December, 2020 | Dr. S. K. Medda,
Mr. Srikrishna Manna |
Dr. S. Jana |
8 | CSIR | Development of ultra-low expansion glass-ceramic from low cost resources for application in cook-top oven (MLP 0110) | April 2020 to March 2022 | Dr. S. Jana (Co-PI),
Mr. Sourav Nag (Co-PI), Dr. S. K. Medda, Mr. Srikrishna Manna, Mr. Sirshendu Ghorui, Mr. Alok Roy Chowdhury, Mr. Shibasish Barik, Mr. Mrinmoy Adhikary, Mr. Mihir Kumar Ghatak |
Mr. Sitendu Mandal |
9 | Roarbit Technologies, Surat | Development of process technology for chalcogenide glass of refractive index (n) in the range of 2.3950 to 2.4050 (in the wavelength range of 850 to 950 nm) for processing of diamonds and creation of production facility for the same at M/s Roarbit Technologies, Surat, Gujarat
(SSP0150) |
February 2018 to March 2021 | Mr. Rana Dasgupta
Dr. K. Biswas Dr. Anal Tarafder Dr. K. Annapurna |
Dr. A. R. Molla |
10 | BRNS | Comparative study on volatility loss of selected elements in borosilicate glasses prepared by conventional and microwave heating
(GAP 0172) |
2019-2022 | Dr. Prasanta Kumar Sinha,
Dr. Amarnath R. Allu
Dr Ashis Kumar Mandal |
11 | CSIR | Microwave melting of glass: A potential method for tailoring glass properties.
(MLP 0106) |
2020-2022 | Dr. Prasanta Kumar Sinha,
Dr. Amarnath R. Allu, Prof. Subrata Kumar Majumder Mr. Barun Haldar Mr.Srikrishna Manna Mr. Goutam Ghosh |
Dr Ashis Kumar Mandal |
12 | BRNS | Synthesis and Characterization of Rare Earth Ion Doped Ferroelectric Glass-ceramic Nanocomposites for Photonic, Energy Storage and Memory Applications
(Sanction under process) |
2020-2023 | Dr. A. Tarafder | Dr. A R Molla |
Recently completed R&D Projects (externally funded):
Sl No | Title | Sponsor | Period | Name of PI |
1 | M/s Berger Paints India Ltd., Howrah | A process for the synthesis of graphene oxide and its application in paints (SSP0614)
Nov. 2018 to January, 2020
(14 months) |
Dr. S. Jana |
2 | Development of Sol-Gel Based Specialty Planar Optical Waveguide for Sensor Application | Department of Science and Technology, Govt. of India | June 2013 to June 2016
(3 Years) |
Dr. S. Jana |
3 | Development of polyurethane based anticorrosive composite sheet for designing of military shoes | DIPAS, DRDO, Delhi | June 2016 to November, 2017
(18 Months) |
Dr. S. Jana |
4 | Manufacture, Testing and Supply of special glass powder in the form of Nodules 2-6 mm dia. with technical grade powder [Special Glass Nodules for Encapsulation of Nuclear Waste]
(Project No: SSP 0136) |
NRB, BARC (Deptt. Of Atomic Energy, GoI) | 2009 Onwards | Mr. Sitendu Mandal |
5 | Development of manufacturing technology and supply of Radiation shielding Window (RSW) Glass blocks to BARC/ DAE [High Density (D=5.20 g/ccstabilized and un stabilized glass) Radiation Shielding Window Glasses for Hot Cell Application]: (Project No. GAP 010309) | NRB, BARC (Deptt. of Atomic Energy, GoI) | 2004 – 2015 | Mr. Sitendu Mandal as Co-PI |
6 | Development of Seven Component Borosilicate Glass Beads for Nuclear Waste Immobilization (Project No: GAP 0147) | NRB, BARC (Deptt. of Atomic Energy, GoI) | 2014-2016 | Mr. Sitendu Mandal |
Divisional Facilities
![]() UTM (INSTRON 5500R), Load Cells:100N (For Fibers and Fibrous Material Testing), 1kN, 100kN; Accuracy:±1%, High Temperature Testing Capability:1400?C with 4-point Bend Fixture |
![]() Hysitron Nanoindenter (Triboindenter Ubi 700, Hysitron Inc., USA) with Nanoindentation, Scanning Probe Microscopy and Nanotribology Facilities; Load Range 1-12,000 micro-N, Depth Resolution:0.04nm, Load Resolution: 1nN. |
![]() Split Hopkinson Pressure Bar apparatus (REL Inc. USA) |
![]() Fischerscope Nanoindenter (H100XYp, Fischer, Switzerland), Load Range:0.4-1000 mN, Depth Resolution:1 nm, Load Resolution: 0.2micro-N. |
![]() Vicker’s Hardness Tester (LV 700, LECO, USA), Load Range 30 gf to 30Kgf, resolution:0.1micro-m. |
![]() Scratch Tester TR-102-M3 (Ducom, Bangalore, India) Load Cells 2-20N, 20-200N, Accuracy ±1%, AE Frequency:100-450 Peak Frequency:450 kHz, Speed variable:100-1000 micro-m.s-1 |
![]() Inverted Optical Microscope (U-LH75XEAPO, Olympus, Japan), Magnification:5-100X, (Reflection and Transmission Mode), Nomraski Interference Contrast, Image Analysis Facility Available |
![]() Spin Coater (Model No: 121014, Delta Scientific, Kolkata, India), Maximum RPM-15000 |
![]() Polishing and Grinding Machine, (Struers A/S, Denmark) |
![]() Cutting Machine (Struers A/S, Denmark) |
![]() Centrifuge – Max RPM 15000 (Remi, India) |
![]() Ultrasonic Cleaner, Takashi, Japan |
![]() Magnetic Stirrer (Remi, Kolkata)-1, IKA RH Digital (Germany)-1 |
![]() pH Meter (Systronics, India) |
![]() Sintering Furnace 1: Muffle Furnace, Maximum working temperature (16000C), Max-17000C, Naskar & Co., Kolkata, India |
![]() Sintering Furnace 2: Muffle Furnace, Maximum working temperature (13000C), Max-14000C, M/s Jay Crucibles, Kolkata, India |
![]() Sintering Furnace 3: Muffle Furnace, Maximum working temperature (16000C), Max-17000C, M/s Naskar & Co.,, Kolkata, India |
![]() Sintering Furnace 4: Tube Furnace, Controlled Atmosphere, Maximum working temperature (5000C), Max-6000C, M/s LabthermIndia Kolkata, India |
![]() Sintering Furnace 5: Muffle Furnace, Maximum working temperature (5000C), Max-10000C, M/s Naskar and Co., Kolkata, India |
![]() Polishing and Grinding Machine, (Struers A/S, Denmark |
![]() Semi-Automatic Press (10 Tonnes, Carver, USA) |
![]() X’PertPro MPD (PANalytical) Facility |
![]() X-Ray Florescence (XRF) Spectrometer (PANalytical) Facility |
![]() HERZOG, Hydraulic Press, TP 20P, Machinenfabrik, Germany |
![]() Planetary Monomill, Pulverisette GmBH, Germany |
![]() Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope, Supra 35 VP, Carl Zeiss, Germany, 30kV, Image Resolution-1.5 nm, Energy Resolution~133 eV |
![]() Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope, Zigma, Carl Zeiss, Germany, 30kV, Image Resolution-1.3 nm, Energy Resolution~127 eV |
![]() Coating Unit (SC7640, QUORUM, UK) |
![]() Coating Unit (Scan Coat 6, Edwards, UK) |
![]() Vacuum Evaporator (Hitachi, Japan) |
![]() RF/DC Magnetron Sputter Coater (Hind Hi-VAC, Banaglore, India) |
Dr. Kalyandurg Annapurna, Chief Scientist and Head
Dr. Sunirmal Jana, Chief Scientist
Dr. Ashis Kumar Mandal, Senior Principal Scientist
Dr. Atiar Rahaman Molla, Senior Principal Scientist
Dr. Kaushik Biswas, Senior Principal Scientist
Dr. Anal Tarafder, Senior Principal Scientist
Mr. Sourav Nag, Principal Scientist
Mr. Barun Haldar, Principal Scientist
Dr. Himanshu Sekhar Maharana, Scientist
Dr. Indrajit Tah, Scientist
Dr. Jagannath G, Scientist
Technical/Support Staff
Name | Designation | Expertise |
![]() Rana Dasgupta |
Principal Technical Officer | Procurement, installation, commissioning and maintenance of mechanical light machineries, glass melting furnaces like muffle and rocking, glove box and vacuum system. Batch preparation including set up of chalcogenide glass melting facility. Silica glass ampoule joining and sealing under high vacuum using oxy-hydrogen torch. Technical supervision, operation of pilot plant which includes the operation of induction and oil fired furnaces relating to special glass melting and casting. Procurement of furnace and allied machineries for glass production and processing. |
Sanjib Samaddar |
Senior Technical Officer(3) | Glass melting of different scale for R and D and production purposes, preparation of batch from small to high scale, operation of various types of glass-melting and annealing furnaces including Induction furnace and operation of plant for melting of specialty glasses, characterization of glass samples, procurement of utilities and consumables and other technical jobs. |
![]() Biswarup Das |
Senior Technical Officer (2) | Operation and installation of various types of furnaces. Operation of Induction furnace for specialty glasses production and operation of microwave furnace for glass melting. Glass sample production related activities. Procurement of utilities and consumables related to ongoing project activities. |
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Senior Technical Officer (2) | Supervision of specialty glass related activities and preparation of drawing of the Specialty Refractory Pots. Operation & maintenance of various types of glass-melting and annealing furnaces including Induction furnace, oil fired furnaces for melting of specialty glasses. Technical supervision, operation & installation of allied machineries relating to specialty glass production activities at the pilot plant, carrying out experimental frit melting, preparation of drawings for light mechanical machineries and furnaces, making reports / presentation, preparation of raw / sintered batch, procurement of materials & equipments for glass production and processing. Procurement of utilities and consumables related to ongoing project activities. |
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Senior Technical Officer (2) | Activities relating to melting of specialty glass both for R & D as well as production purposes at industrial site. Operation & maintenance of various types of furnaces including induction furnace, oil fired and electrically heated furnaces for annealing and melting of specialty glasses. Technical supervision during bulk scale specialty glass frit melting, operation & installation of allied machineries relating to specialty glass production activities at the pilot plant, preparation of raw / sintered glass batch, procurement of equipments, utilities and consumables for specialty glass production and processing related to ongoing project activities. |
Senior Technical Officer(2) | Research and developmental works on sol-gel based functional nanomaterials and thin films (coatings) on several substrates like glass, plastics, cotton fabrics, ceramic materials. These coatings are mesoporous, inorganic-organic nanohybrid and antireflective / high reflective coatings, superhydrophobic coatings, colour coatings, conducting coatings, anticorrosion coatings by dip/spray/spin/drain coating technique. He is also responsible for characterization of materials through Raman Spectrometer, UV–Visible-NIR spectrometer, FTIR/ATIR, Contact Angle Meter and Ellipsometer for the Division as well as for the Institute and other organizations/companies. |
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Senior Technical Officer (1) | Operation and maintenance of different types of furnaces, and machineries of Glass Design Centre. Installation and commissioning of furnaces, Sand blasting machine, glass cutting, polishing and grinding machine of the design centre. Various types of art glass design and mould preparation and other technical jobs relating to design activities of design centre. Testing of white ware body like AP, BD, porosity, water absorption etc., white ware body preparation and slip casting. |
Senior Technical Officer (1) |
Activities relating to production of RSW glass such as operation & maintenance of various types of glass-melting and annealing furnaces including induction furnace, oil fired and electrically heated furnaces for melting of specialty glasses, technical supervision, operation & installation of allied machineries relating to specialty glass production activities at the pilot plant, slumping & processing of specialty glass blocks, carrying out experimental glass frit melting and its characterization, preparation of raw / sintered glass batch both for production & R&D scale. Procurement of utilities and consumables related to ongoing project activities. |
Debarshi Paul | Senior Technical Officer (1) | |
![]() Pratik Sarkar |
Technical Officer | Operation of induction furnace for specialty glass production. Operation and maintenance of rocking furnaces and batch preparation in glove box for chalcogenide glass facility. Installation and commissioning of light machineries. Assisting in silica glass ampoule joining and sealing under high vacuum using oxy-hydrogen torch and other related technical jobs. Electrical maintenance of furnaces and related machinery. |
Kalyan Das | Technical Assistant | |
![]() Amar Ghorui |
Technician (2) | Operation and maintenance of special type cutting, milling, lapping and polishing machines for specialty glass processing, operation and maintenance of distilled water plant and other technical jobs. Testing of glass by using Interferometer. |
Goutam Ghosh | Technician(1) | |
![]() Reaj Hossain |
Technician (2) | Operation and maintenance of different types of furnaces, and machineries of specialty glass plant. Installation and commissioning of various furnaces of different project, operation of batch production unit of specialty glass plant. Operation of micro-hardness testing instrument for testing of hardness for different glass samples and other materials. |
Himansu Gupta | Technician (1) | |
Sukanta Basak | Technician (1) | |
Raj Kumar | Technician (1) | |
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Lab Attendant (2) | Specialty glass processing related activities at all stages of cutting, grinding and polishing and preparation of test glass samples for various characterizations. |
Name | Designation | Research area/Project code | Supervisor/PI |
![]() Sultan Khan |
SRF(Project) | Phospho-silicate glass for High Average Power (HAP) laser application | Dr. K. Annapurna |
![]() Pritha Patra |
Project Associate-II (Project) | Photonics application of low phonon glass and glass ceramics | Dr. K. Annapurna |
![]() Saswata Chakraborty |
Project Associate-I (Project) | Non-conventional aluminate glasses for NIR/MIR photonic application | Dr. K. Annapurna |
![]() Anustup Chakraborty |
SRF(CSIR-GATE) | Bioactive glass and glass ceramic | Dr. K. Biswas |
![]() Sushanta Kumar Mohapatra |
DST Inspire Fellow | Structure-Property correlation of low silica calcium aluminate glasses for photonic applications | Dr. K. Annapurna |
![]() Biplab Das |
Project JRF | Utilisation of waste in glass and waste-glass | Dr. A. K. Mandal |
Project Associate-I (Project) | Optical Glass (GAP0169) | Dr. K. Biswas |
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Project Associate-I | White light emitting phosphor-in-glass/glass for W-LED (HCP0030) | Dr. A. Tarafder |
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JRF(Project) | Microwave processing & chemical analysis of glass (GAP0172) | Dr. A. K. Mandal |
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Project JRF | Rare-earth doped Ferroelectric glass-ceramics (GAP0174) | Dr. Atiar R. Molla |
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Project Associate-1 | Low Expansion Glass-ceramics (MLP0110) | Mr. Sitendu Mandal |
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Project Associate-1 | Anti-reflecting and self-cleaning coating on solar panel (GAP0180) | Dr. S. Jana |
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Project Associate-I (Project) | Optical Glass (GAP0169) | Dr. K. Biswas |
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Project Assistant-I(Project) | Optical Glass (GAP0169) | Dr. K. Biswas |
Sayan Chatterjee | Project Assistant-I(Project) | Optical Glass (GAP0169) | Dr. K. Biswas |
Last Updated on February 3, 2025