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सीएसआईआर-केंद्रीय काँच एवं सिरामिक अनुसंधान संस्थान
CSIR-Central Glass & Ceramic Research Institute

Dr. Shyamal Das
Senior Principal Scientist
Fiber Optics and Photonics Division
Contact Information:
Phone: (033) 24838083 (Ex. 3285)
Fax: +91-33-24730957
E-mail: dshyamal@cgcri.res.in
Dr. Shyamal Das
Dr. Das joined CGCRI on 31.01.2006 (Bio-sketch)Professional Career
Institution | Position | Period |
CGCRI | Project & CSIR-Research Fellow | June, 2000 - January 2006 |
CGCRI | Scientist | 31.01.2006 (continuing ) |
Degree | Discipline | University; Year |
B.E. | Chemical Engg. | Jadavpur University |
M.E. | Chemical Engg. | Jadavpur University |
Ph. D. (Engg.) | Jadavpur University |
Patents filed / Granted
- “A Process of Fabrication of Erbium and Ytterbium-co-Doped multi-elements silica glass based cladding-pumped fiber for use as a highly efficient high power optical amplifier” Mukul C. Paul, Anirban Dhar, Shyamal Das, et al., Reference Number: 0038NF2018, INDIA.
- “Process of fabrication of rare-earth doped air-clad fiber for use as laser source with high efficiency in the infra-red wavelength region” S. K. Bhadra, D. Ghosh, M. Pal, C. Paul and S. Das, Ref No: 0241 NF 2014, INDIA.
- “Process of fabrication of Erbium and Ytterbium co-doped multielement silica glass based cladding pumped fiber”, Mukul C. Paul, Anirban Dhar, Shyamal Das, Mrinmoy Pal and Shyamal Kumar Bhadra, US Patent No. US2019/0375672 A1, December 12, 2019.
Research Interest
- Development of different types of rare earth (RE) doped fiber preform for optical fiber amplifier and fiber lasers, LFM (large flattened mode) fiber, photosensitive fiber for writing FBGs and advanced rare earth doped nano- crystalline host based optical fiber for application in high power fiber laser.
Notable Research Contribution
Developed large flattened mode (LFM) optical fiber.
- Awarded CSIR-SRF
- Awarded CSIR-RA
List of Publications:
- “Study of refractive index and physical thickness of porous silica films with ageing in hydrated ammonia and air”, Shyamal Das, Sudipta Roy, AmitavaPatra, Prasanta Kumar Biswas, Materials Letters 57 (2003) 2320–2325.
- “3-D mapping with ellipsometrically determined physical thickness/refractive index of spin coated sol–gel silica layer”, Das, P. Pal, S Roy, S. Chakraboarty and P. K. Biswas, Bull. Mater. Sci., 25 (557–560) 2002.
- “Sol–gel based anti-reflection coatings on wedged laser rods using a spin coater”, R. Pareek, A. S. Joshi, P. D. Gupta , P. K. Biswas, Das, Optics & Laser Technology 37 (2005) 369–374.
- “Fabrication of large flattened mode optical fiber for high power laser” S Das, A Pal, M C Paul, R Sen; Proceedings of SPIE, the International Society for Optical Engineering. 2011, Vol 8173 ; 81730B.1-81730B.6
- Titanium Dioxide (TiO2) film as a new saturable absorber for generating mode-locked Thulium-Holmium doped all-fiber laser”, Muhammad FaridMohdRusdi, Anas Abdul Latiff, Mukul Paul, Shyamal Das, AnirbanDhar, Harith Ahmad and SulaimanWadi Harun, Optics & Laser Technology, 89, 16-20, 2017.
- “Multielement (P-Yb-Zr-Ce-Al-Ca) fiber for moderate-power laser application with enhanced photodarkening resistivity”, AnirbanDhar, Shyamal Das, PinnintyHarshavardhan Reddy, Salim H. Siddiki, DebjitDutta, Mrinmay Pal, Alexander V. Kir’yanov and Mukul Chandra Paul; Phys. Status Solidi A, 1600655 7 pages (2017) / DOI 10.1002/pssa.201600655.
- “Performance comparison of enhanced Erbium-Zirconia-Yttria-Aluminumcodoped conventional erbium-doped fiber amplifiers”, A. M. Markom, M. C. Paul, A. Dhar, S. Das, M. Pal, S. K. Bhadra, K. Dimyati, M. Yasin and S. W. Harun, Optik, 132, 75-79, 2017.
- “Recent developments in rare-earths doped nano-engineered glass based optical fibers for high power fiber lasers”, Mukul C. Paul, S. Bysakh, Shyamal Das, AnirbanDhar, M. Pal, S. K. Bhadra, J. K. Sahu, A. V. Kiry’anov, and F. d’Acapito, in special issue of Transaction of Indian Ceramic Society, 75 (4), 195-208 (2016).
- “Effect of electron-irradiation darkening and its posterior bleaching by light in novel Cr-Mg-YAS fiber”, A. V. Kiryanov, D. Dutta, Y. O. Barmenkov, S. Das, A. Dhar, M. C. Paul, S. I. Didenko, S. A. Legotin and K. I Tapero, Laser Physics Letters, 13 (12), 125103 (2016).
- “Near Infrared Amplified Emission of Bismuth doped fiber”, A. R. Muhammad, H. R. Pinninty, Z. Jusoh, M. Yasin, H. Haris, S. W. Harun, A. Halder, S. Das, A. Dhar, Mukul Paul, Journal of Optoelectronics and Biomedical Materials, 8(3), 131-135 (2016).
- “Mode-locked Thulium Ytterbium co-Doped Fiber Laser with a GrapheneSaturable Absorber”, Ibrahim M. Babar, Mukul C. Paul, Shyamal Das, AnirbanDhar, Harith Ahmad and Sulaiman W. Harun; Photonics Letters of Poland, Vol. 8 (4), 104-106 (2016).
- “L-band mode-locked fiber laser delivering adjustable bright and dark pulses with erbium Zirconia yttria aluminium co-doped fiber”, A. M. Markom, Mukul Paul, AnirbanDhar, Shyamal Das, M. Yasin, R. Apsari, H. Ahmad and S. W. Harun, Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials Rapid Communications, 10(7-8), 464-466 (2016).
- “A new class of erbium doped optical fiber for high power optical amplifier”, MukulChnadra Paul, Mrinmay Pal, Shyamal Das, AnirbanDhar, and Shymal K. Bhadra, J. Opt. DOI: 10. 1007/s12596-016-0355-0 (2016).
- “Highly directional ZnOnanorod structural coating on silica based optical fiber for ammonia sensing application”, Ramit Kumar Mondal, DebjitDutta, Shyamal das, AnirbanDhar, and Mukul Chandra Paul, Journal of Institution of Chemists (Indian), 88, 1-11 (2016).
- “Study of incorporation efficiency of different precursor salts in fabrication of rare_earth doped optical fibers”, AnirbanDhar, Shyamal Das, Mukul Chandra Paul, Atasi Pal, RanjanSen; physica status solidi a, 211 (2014) 828-834.
- “Optical amplification performance of erbium doped zirconia-yttria-alumina-baria silica fiber” J Duarte, MC Paul, S Das, A Dhar, JP Leitão, MF Ferreira, AM Rocha; Optical Materials Express 9 (6) 2652-2661 (2019).
- “Soliton Molecules in Self-Mode-Locked Ring-Cavity Er/Yb Double-Clad Fiber Laser” M. S´anchez, B. Ram´ırez, R. Tamayo, H. Hern´andez, M. Jim´enez, B. Escamilla, S. Das, A. Dhar, M. Pal, M. C. Paul, A. V. Kir’yanov, E. A. Kuzin; IEEE Photonic Journal, 11 (5) 1504608 (2019).
- “Wideband optical fiber amplifier with short length of enhanced erbium–zirconia–yttria–aluminum co-doped fiber” AA Almukhtar, AA Al-Azzawi, PH Reddy, S Das, A Dhar, MC Paul;Optik182, 194-200 (2019).
- “Passively Q-switched fiber laser utilizing new hafnium–bismuth–erbium co-doped fiber as saturable absorber” MFA Rahman, AA Latiff, PH Reddy, S Das, A Dhar, MC Paul, SW Harun; Indian Journal of Physics 93 (11) 1489-1493 (2019).
- “Detection of Ammonia Gas Molecules in Aqueous Medium by Using Nanostructured Ag‐Doped ZnO Thin Layer Deposited on Modified Clad Optical Fiber” SK Singh, D Dutta, A Dhar, S Das, MC Paul, TK Gangopadhyay; physica status solidi a 216 (16) 1900141 (2019).
- “Holmium based nanoseconds pulsed fibre laser generation in the 2-micron region” MFA Rahman, MBH Mahyuddin, AA Latiff, MC Paul, A Dhar, S Das;Optik 195, 163157 (2019).
- “Wide-band flat-gain optical amplifier using Hafnia and zirconia erbium co-doped fibres in double-pass parallel configuration” AA Al-Azzawi, AA Almukhtar, PH Reddy, D Dutta, S Das, A Dhar, MC Paul; Journal of Modern Optics 66 (16) 1711-1716 (2019).
- “Nanosecond pulse laser generation at 1.55 and 2 μm regions by integrating a piece of newly developed chromium-doped fiber-based saturable absorber” D Dutta, MC Paul, A Dhar, S Das, MFM Farid, AA Latiff, H Ahmad; Applied Optics 58 (24) 6528-6534 (2019).
- “Noise-like pulse generation around 1.3-µm based on cascaded Raman scattering” JH Lin, TY Liao, CY Yang, DG Zhang, CY Yang, YW Lee, S Das, A Dhar; Optics Express28 (8) 12252-12261 (2020).
- “Synthetic and structural investigation of ZnOnano-rods, hydrothermally grown over Au coated optical fiber for evanescent field-based detection of aqueous ammonia” SK Singh, D Dutta, S Das, A Dhar, MC Paul; Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing107, 104819 (2019).
- “Study of spin coated multilayer zirconia and silica films for non-quarterwavelength optical design based antireflection effect” Shyamal Das, Sunirmal Jana, Nilanjana Das, Soumya Shankar Ghosh and Prasanta Kumar Biswas; Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology 60 (2011) 116-124.
- “Fabrication of high aluminium containing rare-earth doped fiber without core–clad interface defects” AnirbanDhar, Shyamal Das, HimadriSekharMaiti and RanjanSen, Optics Communications 283 (2010) 2344–2349.
- “Characterization of individual layers of an optical design based multilayered antireflection coating developed by sol–gel method” S. S. Ghosh, Das, A. Sil and P. K. Biswas; Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology 64 (2012) 534-542.
- “Study of incorporation efficiency of different precursor salts in fabrication of rare_earth doped optical fibers” AnirbanDhar, Shyamal Das, Mukul Chandra Paul, Atasi Pal, RanjanSen; physica status solidi a 211 (2014) 828-834.
- “Evaluation of the performance of high phosphorous with germanium codoped multimode optical fiber for use as a radiation sensor at low dose rates” SudiptaGhosh, Shyamal Das, Mukul C. Paul, Kamal Dasgupta, Dinesh Bohra, Himat S. Chaudhary, LalitPanwar, Pradeep K. Bhatnagar, and ShyamGovindVaijapurka; Applied Optics 50 (2011) 80-85.
- ‘Ytterbium-sensitized Thulium-dopedfiber laser in the near-IR with 980 nm pumping’ Atasi Pal, AnirbanDhar, ShyamalDas, Shu Ying Chen, Tong Sun, Ranjan Sen and Kenneth T V Grattan; Optics Express 18 (5) (2010) 5068-5074.
- “Radiation response behavior of carbon co-doped aluminosilicate glass based optical fiber for use as radiation sensor” Ghosh, M. C. Paul, S. Das, K. Dasgupta, D. Bohra, H. S. Chaudhary, L. Panwar, P. K. Bhatnagar and S. G. Vaijapurkar; Sensor Letters 11 (2013) 1408-1414.
- “Performance comparison of Zr-based and Bi-based erbium-doped fiber amplifiers” M. C. Paul, S. W. Harun, N. A. D. Huri, A. Hamzah, Das, M. Pal, S. K. Bhadra, H. Ahmad, S. Yoo, M. P. Kalita, A. J. Boyland, and J. K. Sahu; Optics Letters 35 (17) (2010) 2882-2884.
- “Wide band EDFA Based on Erbium Doped Crystalline Zirconia YttriaAlumino Silicate Fiber” M. C. Paul, S. W. Harun, N. A. D. Huri, A.Hamzah, Das, M. Pal, S. K. Bhadra, H. Ahmad, S. Yoo, M. P. Kalita, A. J. Boyland, and J. K. Sahu; Lightwave Technology 28 (2010) 2919-2924.
- “Yb2O3 doped YAG nano-crystallites in silica based core glass matrix of optical fiber preform” M. C. Paul, S. Bysakh, Das, S. K. Bhadra, M. Pal, S. Yoo, M. P. Kalita, A. J. Boyland, J. K. Sahu; Materials Science & Engineering B 175 (2010) 108-119.
- “Study of the fabrication parameters of large core Yb2O3 doped optical fibre through solution doping technique” M. C. Paul, B. N.Upadhyaya, Das, A. Dhar, M. Pal, S. Kher, K. Dasgupta, S. K. Bhadra and R. Sen; Optics Communications 283 (2010) 1039-1046.
- “Fabrication and characterization of new Yb-doped zirconia-germano-alumino silicate phase-separated nano-particles based fibers” A. V. Kir’yanov, M. C. Paul, Yu. O. Barmenkov, Das, M. Pal, S. K. Bhadra, L. Escalante Zarate and A. D. Guzman-Chavez; Optics Express 19 (2011) 14823-37.
- “Yb-doped yttria-alumino-silicate nano-particles based optical fibers: Fabrication and characterization” M. C. Paul, M. Pal, A. V. Kir’yanov, Das, S. K. Bhadra, Yu. O. Barmenkov, A. A. Martinez-Gamez and J. L. Lucio-MartõÂnez; Optics & Laser Technology 44 (2012) 617-620.
- “Nano-engineered Yb2O3 doped optical fiber: Fabrication, Material characterizations, Spectroscopic properties and Lasing characteristics – A Review” C. Paul, S. Bysakh, S. Das, M. Pal, S. K. Bhadra, S. Yoo, A. J. Boyland and J. K. Sahu; Science of Advanced Materials 4 (2012) 1-29.
- “Effects of Yb/Tm concentration and pump wavelength on the performance of ytterbium-sensitized thulium-doped fiber laser” Siti Sarah Ahmad Damanhuri, ArindamHalder, MukulChandran Paul, SitiMunirah Muhammad Ali, NorazlinaSaidin, SulaimanWadiHarun, Harith Ahmad, Shyamal Das, Mrinmay Pal and Shyamal Kumar Bhadra; IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics 49 (2013) 95-99.
Book Chapters:
- “Advanced Nano-engineered Glass-Based Optical Fibers for Photonics Applications” by M. C. Paul, S. Das, A. Dhar, D. Dutta, P. H. Reddy, M. Pal, A. V. Kir’yanov; Handbook of Optical Fibers, edited by Gang-Ding Peng, DOIhttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-10-1477-2 Springer publication.
- “Phase-Separated Alumina–Silica Glass-Based Erbium-Doped Fibers for Optical Amplifier: Material and Optical Characterization along with Amplification Properties” Mukul Paul, Alexander Kir’yanov, Yuri Barmenkov, Mrinmay Pal, Randall Youngman, Anirban Dhar and Shyamal Das; edited by Prof. Mário F. S. Ferreira, Fibers-Special Issue Optical Fiber Communications, Fibers 2018, 6(3) 67 (2018), MDPI AG, Basel, Switzerland.
- “Nano-Engineered Glass Based Erbium Doped Optical Fibers for study of Multichannel Amplification and Four Wave Mixing Phenomena” M. C. Paul, M.Pal, K. Thambiratnam, S. W. Harun, N. A. Awang, S. Das, S. K. Bhadra, H. Ahmad and J. K. Sahu; edited by Zhaosen Liu, in Rare Earths-New Research, (2013), ISBN: 978-1-62618-996-6, Nova Science Publishers, USA.
- “Novel Dielectric Nanoparticles (DNP) Doped Nano-Engineered Glass Based Optical Fiber for Fiber Laser” M.C. Paul, A.V. Kir’yanov, S. Das, M. Pal, S. K. Bhadra, Yu.O. Barmenkov, A. A. Martinez-Gamez, J. L. Lucio Martínez, S. Yooand J. K. Sahu; edited by Mohammed Yasin, Optical Fibers (2012), ISBN 979-953-307-653-8, InTech-Open Access Publisher.
- “Nano-engineering optical materials for fiber laser, amplifier and broad-band light source: A review” by M. C. Paul, S. Das, A. Dhar, M. Pal, A. V. Kir’yanov, Yu. O. Barmenkov, A. M. Martínez-Gamez, J. L. Lucio-Martínez, A. Arredondo-Santos, V. A. Kamynin, V. G. Plotnichenko, S. W. Harun, A.A. Latiff, and M. T. Ahmad in “Optical Fibers: Technology, Communications and Recent Advances”, Publisher: Nova Science Publishers, USA in 2018.
- “Phase-Separated Alumina–Silica Glass-Based Erbium-Doped Fibers for Optical Amplifier: Material and Optical Characterization along with Amplification Properties” Mukul Paul, Alexander Kir’yanov, Yuri Barmenkov, Mrinmay Pal, Randall Youngman, Anirban Dhar and Shyamal Das; edited by Prof. Mário F. S. Ferreira, Fibers-Special Issue Optical Fiber Communications, Fibers 2018, 6(3) 67 (2018), MDPI AG, Basel, Switzerland.
Last Updated on May 18, 2024