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सीएसआईआर-केंद्रीय काँच एवं सिरामिक अनुसंधान संस्थान
CSIR-Central Glass & Ceramic Research Institute
Vigilance Awareness
Vigilance Awareness
Like any other progressive and esteemed Organisation, we need to join the mission of evolving the best practices in the area of preventive vigilance. As an organization we must make our sincere endeavour to have greater transparency in decision-making, reducing the scope of discretion and thereby avoiding incidents of corporate governance oversight.
In most of the cases of oversight, our colleagues are not actually aware of the finer points of the systems and procedures thereby resulting in unintentional flaws and mistakes on their parts. This electronic forum has been specially designed to spread the awareness about the concerned Rule provisions as well as the recourse an individual can take in time of need.
Observance of Vigilance Week
As per CVC Circular No. 08/08/2024 dated 01/08/2024 endorsed by CSIR vide their letter No.15-6(88)/2024-O&M/Vig dated 14/08/2024 the observance of Vigilance Awareness Week in our Council will commence from 28th October to 3rd November, 2024.
The Central Vigilance Commission, which has a special responsibility under para 3(v) of Government of India Resolution no 371/20/99/AVD-III dated 4.4.1999, declared that the week beginning from 31st October every year should be observed as the Vigilance Awareness Week. This Week is observed keeping in view the spirit of the eminent leaders like Sardar Patel and the need for fighting the social evil of corruption. The significance of 31st October is that it is the birthday of the Bismarck of India, Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel. He represents the best values in the Indian tradition so far as governance is concerned. He integrated the country and also was a shinning example of probity in public life. He exercised a major influence in establishing the administrative structure in India.
This year the main focus of observing the Vigilance Awareness Week is
“सत्यनिष्ठा की संस्कृति से राष्ट्र की समृद्धि”
“Culture of Integrity for Nation’s Prosperity”
Last Updated on September 25, 2024