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सीएसआईआर-केंद्रीय काँच एवं सिरामिक अनुसंधान संस्थान
CSIR-Central Glass & Ceramic Research Institute

Dr. Shrabanee Sen
Senior Principal Scientist
Functional Materials & Devices Division
Contact Information:
Phone: 033 (2473 3469/3496/3477) (Ext-3464)
Fax: +91-33-24730957
E-mail: shrabanee@cgcri.res.in
Dr. Shrabanee Sen
Joined CSIR-CGCRI on 01.01.2010Professional Career
Designation | Organisation | Duration |
Senior Principal Scientist | CSIR- Central Glass and Ceramics Research Institute | July 2022-Till date |
Principal Scientist | CSIR- Central Glass and Ceramics Research Institute | July 2017- July 2022 |
Senior Scientist | CSIR- Central Glass and Ceramics Research Institute | July 2013- July 2017 |
Scientist | CSIR- Central Glass and Ceramics Research Institute | Jan 2010- July 2013 |
Scientist | CSIR-National Metallurgical Laboratory | July 2008- Dec 2009 |
Junior Scientist | CSIR-National Metallurgical Laboratory | July 2005- July 2008 |
Degree | Discipline | University; Year |
B.Sc | Physics, 1999 | Visva -Bharati University |
M.Sc. | Physics, 2001 | Visva -Bharati University |
Ph.D. | Physics. 2005 | I.I.T Kharagpur |
Patents filed / Granted
Summary: Granted (01)
Fabrication of tailored hardness nano-composite coating with low coefficient of friction, S.K Mishra, L.C Pathak, S.Sen
Research Interest:
Materials Science and Technology
- Fabrication of Piezoelectric, Multiferroics in the form of Ceramics, Thin/Thick Films for application as vibration sensors, pressure sensors
- Development of hard coatings for automobile applications
- Development of multilayers as vibration sensors
- Development of piezo films for application as sonar sensors
- Development of nanocomposites for application as nanogenerators
Landmark Research Contribution
- Fabrication of new ceramics for application as ceramic capacitors
- Thin films (hard coatings) for automobile application has been developed
- Piezo based films for application as sonar sensors
- Piezocomposites for application as nanogenerators.
- CSIR-CGCRI Foundation Day Award 2024 For Best Paper
- Best Poster Presentation, International Conference on Advanced Functional Materials, NIIST Trivandrum (2019)
- Second Best In House Project Award, NML (2008)
- Awarded Fast Track Project (2007)
- Best Technical Presentation Prize in “Conference of Research Scholars on Material Science, IIT Kharagpur (2003)
Publications Summary:
SCI Journals: 89, Conference Presentations: 60
Best Five Publications:
- E. Kar, S.Maity S, A. Kar and S.Sen* , Agricultural Waste Rice Husk/Poly (Vinylidene Fluoride) Composite: A Wearable Triboelectric Energy Harvester for Real-Time Smart Iot Applications, Advanced Composites and Hybrid Materials, 2024, 7 (3), Art No. 87. (IF : 20.1).
- S Maity, A.Sasmal , E Kar and S Sen* , Morphotropic Phase Boundary-Assisted Lead-Free BaTiO3/PDMS Composite-Based Hybrid Energy Harvester: A Portable Power Source for Wireless Power Transmission, , Chemical Engineering Journal, 2023,474,145959 (IF : 16.7).
- A. Sasmal , S Maity, P Maiti, A Arockiarajan, S Sen*, Nano to micrometer range particle size effect on the electrical and piezoelectric energy harvesting performances of hydroxide mediated crosslinked PVDF composites, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2023, 468, Art No. 143794. (IF : 16.7)
- E. Kar, P. Ghosh, S. Pratihar, M. Tavakoli, S. Sen*, Nature Driven BioCompatible Epidermal Electronic Skin for Real-Time Wireless Monitoring of Human Physiological Signals, ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 15 (16), 19785-20582 (2023) (I.F-10.3).
- A. Sasmal, A. Patra, P. S. Devi, S. Sen*, Space Charge Induced Augmented Dielectric Permittivity and Improved Energy Harvesting Ability of Nano-Ag Decorated ZnSnO3 Filled PVDF Based Flexible Nanogenerator, Composites Science and Technology, 213 (2021) 108916. (IF: 9.8)
Kar, P. Ghosh, S. Pratihar, M. Tavakoli, S. Sen*, Nature Driven BioCompatible Epidermal Electronic Skin for Real-Time Wireless Monitoring of Human Physiological Signals, ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 15 (16), 19785-20582 (2023) (I.F-10.3).
- Nanogenerators the unavoidable devices of the near future”, Advances in Multifunctional Materials, National Seminar, Betnoti Odisha (2015).
- “Nanogenerators: the significant device for the near future”, IUMRS-ICYRAM, IISC, Bangalore (2016).
- “An overview of nanogenerators and their potential to change human life”, NIT Silchar (2018).
- “Nanocomposites: Application as Self Powered Sensors, International Conference on Materials and Spectroscopy (2018).
- Nanocomposites: Flexible Materials as Self Powered Sensors, International Conference on Advanced Functional Materials, NIIST Trivandrum (2019).
- Nanocomposites: Application as Self Powered Sensors, Faculty Development Program (FDP) on Advanced Materials, KIIT Bhubaneswar (2020)
- Piezocomposites-the usage for powering low electronic devices, Chemical Engineering Dept, Calcutta University (2021).
- Nanogenerators the devices for powering low electronic devices, FDP, Makuat University, (2021).
- Piezocomposites-an alternative for powering low power devices”, 5th International Conference on Energy and Sustainability, ICES (2023).
- Flexible and wearable piezoelectric ceramic-polymer composites: A paradigm shift towards energy harvesting and advanced biofunctionality, International Conference on Glass and Ceramics, (2023).
- Flexible and wearable piezoelectric nanocomposites as energy harvesters, Emerging Fields in Theoretical and Experimental Physics, (2024).
Summary: Completed: 06
Ongoing: 02
- Ph. D. degree awarded:
- Ipsita Chinya (2018)
- Abhishek Sasmal (2022)
- Shewli Pratihar (2023)
- Puja Ghosh (2023)
- Dr Sourav Maity (2024)
- Ph. D. in progress:
- Pounomi Bera (DST-INSPIRE)
- Dr Epsita Kar
- M. Tech. degree awarded:
- Mr Pravanshu Mohanta
- Mr Nabojyoti Chakraborty
- Mr Biplab Adak
- Mr Pradeep Kumar Mahato
- Mr Aniket Patra
- Mr Siddharth Kiran
- Project Fellows:
- Avijit Pal (GAP0351)
- Pravash Gourav (GAP 0365)
- Arindam Haldar (MLP0309)
- Rahul Kumar (HCP 0030)
- Animesh Kar (HCP 0036)
- Deepak Kumar (HCP 0036)
- Ms Manju Priya (IHP24005)
- Summer Trainee supervised:
- Arakshdeep Singh
- Pravita Anand
- Banoj Kumar Nayak
- BCSIR Trainee
- Ms Sabrina Mostofa
Last Updated on September 24, 2024