सीएसआईआर-केंद्रीय काँच एवं सिरामिक अनुसंधान संस्थान

CSIR-Central Glass & Ceramic Research Institute

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सीएसआईआर-केंद्रीय काँच एवं सिरामिक अनुसंधान संस्थान

CSIR-Central Glass & Ceramic Research Institute

Scientist's Profile

Scientists ▸ Dr. Shrabanee Sen
Dr. Shrabanee Sen

Dr. Shrabanee Sen

Senior Principal Scientist

Functional Materials & Devices Division

Contact Information:

Phone: 033 (2473 3469/3496/3477) (Ext-3464)
Fax: +91-33-24730957
E-mail: shrabanee@cgcri.res.in

Dr. Shrabanee Sen

Joined CSIR-CGCRI on 01.01.2010

Professional Career

Designation Organisation Duration
Senior Principal Scientist CSIR- Central Glass and Ceramics Research Institute July 2022-Till date
Principal Scientist CSIR- Central Glass and Ceramics Research Institute July 2017- July 2022
Senior Scientist CSIR- Central Glass and Ceramics Research Institute July 2013- July 2017
Scientist CSIR- Central Glass and Ceramics Research Institute Jan 2010- July 2013
Scientist CSIR-National Metallurgical Laboratory July 2008- Dec 2009
Junior Scientist CSIR-National Metallurgical Laboratory July 2005- July 2008


Degree Discipline University; Year
B.Sc Physics, 1999 Visva -Bharati University
M.Sc. Physics, 2001 Visva -Bharati University
Ph.D. Physics. 2005 I.I.T Kharagpur

Patents filed / Granted

Summary: Granted (01)
  1. Fabrication of tailored hardness nano-composite coating with low coefficient of friction, S.K Mishra, L.C Pathak, S.Sen

Research Interest:


Materials Science and Technology

  • Fabrication of Piezoelectric, Multiferroics in the form of Ceramics, Thin/Thick Films for application as vibration sensors, pressure sensors
  • Development of hard coatings for automobile applications
  • Development of multilayers as vibration sensors
  • Development of piezo films for application as sonar sensors
  • Development of nanocomposites for application as nanogenerators

Landmark Research Contribution

  • Fabrication of new ceramics for application as ceramic capacitors
  • Thin films (hard coatings) for automobile application has been developed
  • Piezo based films for application as sonar sensors
  • Piezocomposites for application as nanogenerators.


  • CSIR-CGCRI Foundation Day Award 2024 For Best Paper
  • Best Poster Presentation, International Conference on Advanced Functional Materials, NIIST Trivandrum (2019)
  • Second Best In House Project Award, NML (2008)
  • Awarded Fast Track Project (2007)
  • Best Technical Presentation Prize in “Conference of Research Scholars on Material Science, IIT Kharagpur (2003)

Publications Summary:

SCI Journals: 89, Conference Presentations: 60

Best Five Publications:

  1. E. Kar, S.Maity S, A. Kar and  S.Sen* , Agricultural Waste Rice Husk/Poly (Vinylidene Fluoride) Composite: A Wearable Triboelectric Energy Harvester for Real-Time Smart Iot Applications, Advanced Composites and Hybrid Materials, 2024, 7 (3), Art No. 87. (IF : 20.1).
  2. S Maity, A.Sasmal , E Kar and S Sen* , Morphotropic Phase Boundary-Assisted Lead-Free BaTiO3/PDMS Composite-Based Hybrid Energy Harvester: A Portable Power Source for Wireless Power Transmission, , Chemical Engineering Journal, 2023,474,145959 (IF : 16.7).
  3. A. Sasmal , S Maity, P Maiti, A Arockiarajan, S Sen*, Nano to micrometer range particle size effect on the electrical and piezoelectric energy harvesting performances of hydroxide mediated crosslinked PVDF composites, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2023, 468, Art No. 143794. (IF : 16.7)
  4. E. Kar, P. Ghosh, S. Pratihar, M. Tavakoli, S. Sen*, Nature Driven BioCompatible Epidermal Electronic Skin for Real-Time Wireless Monitoring of Human Physiological Signals, ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 15 (16), 19785-20582 (2023) (I.F-10.3).
  5. A. Sasmal, A. Patra, P. S. Devi, S. Sen*, Space Charge Induced Augmented Dielectric Permittivity and Improved Energy Harvesting Ability of Nano-Ag Decorated ZnSnO3 Filled PVDF Based Flexible Nanogenerator, Composites Science and Technology, 213 (2021) 108916. (IF: 9.8)
    Kar, P. Ghosh, S. Pratihar, M. Tavakoli, S. Sen*, Nature Driven BioCompatible Epidermal Electronic Skin for Real-Time Wireless Monitoring of Human Physiological Signals, ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 15 (16), 19785-20582 (2023) (I.F-10.3).
  1. Nanogenerators the unavoidable devices of the near future”, Advances in Multifunctional Materials, National Seminar, Betnoti Odisha (2015).
  2. “Nanogenerators: the significant device for the near future”, IUMRS-ICYRAM, IISC, Bangalore (2016).
  3. “An overview of nanogenerators and their potential to change human life”, NIT Silchar (2018).
  4. “Nanocomposites: Application as Self Powered Sensors, International Conference on Materials and Spectroscopy (2018).
  5. Nanocomposites: Flexible Materials as Self Powered Sensors, International Conference on Advanced Functional Materials, NIIST Trivandrum (2019).
  6. Nanocomposites: Application as Self Powered Sensors, Faculty Development Program (FDP) on Advanced Materials, KIIT Bhubaneswar (2020)
  7. Piezocomposites-the usage for powering low electronic devices, Chemical Engineering Dept, Calcutta University (2021).
  8. Nanogenerators the devices for powering low electronic devices, FDP, Makuat University, (2021).
  9. Piezocomposites-an alternative for powering low power devices”, 5th International Conference on Energy and Sustainability, ICES (2023).
  10. Flexible and wearable piezoelectric ceramic-polymer composites: A paradigm shift towards energy harvesting and advanced biofunctionality, International Conference on Glass and Ceramics, (2023).
  11. Flexible and wearable piezoelectric nanocomposites as energy harvesters, Emerging Fields in Theoretical and Experimental Physics, (2024).



Summary:   Completed: 06

                       Ongoing: 02

  • Ph. D. degree awarded:
  1. Ipsita Chinya (2018)
  2. Abhishek Sasmal (2022)
  3. Shewli Pratihar (2023)
  4. Puja Ghosh (2023)
  5. Dr Sourav Maity (2024)
  • Ph. D. in progress:
  1. Pounomi Bera (DST-INSPIRE)
  1. Dr Epsita Kar
  • M. Tech. degree awarded:
  1. Mr Pravanshu Mohanta
  2. Mr Nabojyoti Chakraborty
  3. Mr Biplab Adak
  4. Mr Pradeep Kumar Mahato
  5. Mr Aniket Patra
  6. Mr Siddharth Kiran
  • Project Fellows:
  1. Avijit Pal (GAP0351)
  2. Pravash Gourav (GAP 0365)
  3. Arindam Haldar (MLP0309)
  4. Rahul Kumar (HCP 0030)
  5. Animesh Kar (HCP 0036)
  6. Deepak Kumar (HCP 0036)
  7. Ms Manju Priya (IHP24005)
  • Summer Trainee supervised:
  1. Arakshdeep Singh
  2. Pravita Anand
  3. Banoj Kumar Nayak
  • BCSIR Trainee
    1. Ms Sabrina Mostofa

Last Updated on September 24, 2024