सीएसआईआर-केंद्रीय काँच एवं सिरामिक अनुसंधान संस्थान

CSIR-Central Glass & Ceramic Research Institute

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সিএসআইআর-কেন্দ্রীয় কাঁচ ও সেরামিক গবেষণা সংস্থা

सीएसआईआर-केंद्रीय काँच एवं सिरामिक अनुसंधान संस्थान

CSIR-Central Glass & Ceramic Research Institute

Scientist's Profile

HomeResearch DivisionScientists ▸ Dr. Jui Chakraborty
Dr. Jui Chakraborty

Dr. Jui Chakraborty

Senior Principal Scientist

Biomaterials and Medical Devices Division

Contact Information:

Phone: (033) 24733496 (Ex. 3233)
Fax: +91-33-24730957
E-mail: jui@cgcri.res.in

Dr. Jui Chakraborty

Joined CSIR-CGCRI on 21.04.2005

Professional Career

Institution                               Position                                               Period

CSIR-CGCRI                         Principal Scientist                               (2017-present)

-DO-                                        Senior Scientist                                   (2013-2017)

-DO-                                        Scientist                                              (2008-2013)

-DO-                                        Junior Scientist                                    (2005-2008)

CSIR-NML                             PI, DST YSS project                          (2003-2005)

-DO-                                        CSIR-QHF                                         (2000-2003)

KMIPSCs, Rourkela               Lecturer in Chemistry                         (1997-2000)

DAE, AMD, Jaipur                 Scientific Officer, B                           (1990-1991)


Degree Discipline University; Year
B.Sc. Chemistry IIT, Kharagpur
M.Sc. Chemistry IIT, Kharagpur
Ph.D. Chemistry NIT, Rourkela

Patents filed / Granted

Summary, 5 Nos. Filed, 1 No. of Indian patent Granted, 4 Nos. (US patent 3 Nos and Indian patent 1 No.)

Research Interest

  1. Synthesis of nanobiomaterials by low temperature cost effective routes
  2. In vitroin vivo evaluation of nanobiomaterials for specific physiological application
  3. Working on optimisation of bioactive glass compositions for soft tissue regeneration

Landmark Research Contribution

  1. Developed a unique ceramic based nonsystemic antacid with prolonged buffering action (4-6.5 h) and high acid neutralizing capacity at a dose of 170-180 mg/kg bw.
  2. Developed bioactive glass fibre based wound dressing for nonhealing wounds, specifically diabetic ulcer.

1992 – 1997: Research Training Scheme fellowship for PhD studies, NIT

2003: Quick Hire Fellowship, Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, India

2002: Materials Research Society of India Young Scientist Award for the year 2001-02

2003: Dept. of Science and Technology Fast Track Young Scientist Scheme Project Award

2006: Visiting Scientist at Deakin University, Geelong, Vic 3217, Australia

2007: Visiting Scientist at Dept. of Nanostructured Materials, Josef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia

2010:   Selected and invited by Alexander John Humboldt Foundation, Germany and Dept of Science and Technology (DST), India in INDOGFOE (Indo German Frontiers of Engineering) Symposium

2011: CSIR Raman Research Fellowship at Lehigh University, USA

Visiting Faculty: Dept. of Applied Optics and Photonics, Calcutta University and Calcutta School of Tropical Medicine, West Bengal University of Health Sciences.

Editorial board member of the ‘Indian Journal of Materials Science’, published by Hindwai Publishing Corporation and  the ‘Journal of Applied Physical Science International’, published by International Knowledge Press.

Press release:

Press release in the prestigious ‘Know How’ section of ‘The Telegraph’ newspaper two (02) times as following, based on the ongoing product oriented projects on drug eluting orthopedic implant and inorganic base antacid in line with CSIR-800/Make in India mission:

1.‘Smart door to safer implants’, page 9, ‘Know How’ section, ‘The Telegraph’, dated 12.09.16

2.‘Chalk Circle’,  page 13, ‘Know How’ section, ‘The Telegraph’, dated 06.03.17

Selected Publications

Publications: Summary: SCI peer reviewed journal publication: 66, Book Chapter: 05 Nos.
Selected Papers:
  1. Saha S, Bhattacharjee A, Rahaman H Sk, Ray S, Marei M K., Jain H , Chakraborty J, Prospects of antibacterial bioactive glass nanofibres for wound healing: an in vitro study. Int. J. Appl. Glass Sci., (Wiley publication), 2020, 11 (2), 320-328. 
  2. Rahaman H. Sk., Bhattacharjee A., Chakraborty M., Daneu N. and Chakraborty J., ‘Incorporation of shRNA in bioactive glass coated SS316L implant material and its role in inhibition of the osteoclast activity for better post implantation fixation’, J. Drug Del. Sci. Tech.. 2019, 52, 730–737.
  3. Acharya R., Alshrabasy A.A.,Saha S., Rahaman Hasanur Sk., Bharracharjee A., Halder S., Chakraborty M and Chakraborty J., Intercalation of shRNA-plasmid in Mg-Al layered double hydroxide nanoparticles and its cellular internalization for possible treatment of neudegenerative diseases, Journal of Drug Del. Sci and Tech., 2019, 52, 500-508.
  4. Bhattacharjee A., Rahaman H.Sk., Saha S., Chakraborty M and Chakraborty J., Determination of half maximal inhibitory concentration of CaAllayered double hydroxide on cancer cells and its role on apoptotic pathway, Appl. Clay Sc., 2019, 168, 31-35
  5. Sarkar C., Sahu S.K., Sinha A., Chakraborty J and Garai S., Facile synthesis of carbon fiber reinforced polymer-hydroxyapatite ternary composite: A mechanically strong bioactive bone graft, Mater. Sc. and Engg. C., 2019, 97, 388-396.


PhD students: 08 Nos., 04 Nos. Completed,  04 Nos. Ongoing

 Supervision of M.Tech/M.S thesis: 10 Nos.


Last Updated on November 27, 2024