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সিএসআইআর-কেন্দ্রীয় কাঁচ ও সেরামিক গবেষণা সংস্থা
सीएसआईआर-केंद्रीय काँच एवं सिरामिक अनुसंधान संस्थान
CSIR-Central Glass & Ceramic Research Institute

Chaitanyamoy Ganguly
Speciality: Materials Science
Born: 1946
Education: B.E. in Metallurgy, Bengal Engineering College, Shibpore, West Bengal, 1968.
Career: Joined the Training School of the Bhabha Atomic Research Centre(BARC), Mumbai , 1968. He served BARC for nearly 27 years and was Head of the Radio Metallurgy Division during 1986-1995. Obtained Ph.D from the University of Calcutta, 1980. He worked as Research Scientist in the Nuclear Research Centre at Karlsruhe and Juelich in West Germany. He joined to Central Glass & Ceramic Research Institute as Director, 1995. He further moved to Nuclear Fuel Complex, Hyderabad as Chief Executive in February, 1998.
Fellow: Alexander Von Humboldt Foundation, Germany; Indian National Science Academy; Indian Academy of Science; Indian National Academy of Engineering; Institute of Engineers and Indian Institute of Ceramics.
Awards & Honors: National Metallurgist Day Award of the Ministry of Steel and Mines; �Kamani� and �Binani� Gold medals of the Indian Institute of Metals; MRSI dedal; The D.N.Agarwal Award andMalaviya Award of the Indian Ceramic Society and KCP Award of the Indian Institute of Welding.
President, Powder Metallurgy Association of India(PMAI); Editorial Advisory Board of the �Journal of Nuclear Materials�; Life Member, Indian Ceramic Society and several other professional bodies like Indian Institute of Metals; Indian Institute of Ceramics; Indian Nuclear Society; Institute of Engineers(India); Materials Research Society of India and NDT Society of India. Elected into the World Level of the �Hall of Fame� based on his technological and professional achievements.
Notable Contribution: Development and production of hitherto untried plutonium rich mixed uranium plutonium carbide fuels for the Faster Breeder Test Reactor at Kalpakkam in Tamil Nadu; Development of thoria based advanced mixed oxide fuels for water-cooled reactor; Development of dust-free, remotely oprable sol-gel microsphere pelletisation (SGMP) process for fabrication of oxide, cardibe and nitride fuel pellets and SGP-LTS(Low temperature sintering) process for production of uranium oxide and mixed uranium plutonium oxide fuel pellets. Dr. Ganguly�s areas of interest and expertise cover diverse fields like nuclear fuels, traditional and engineering ceramics, composites, optical glass and advanced materials. He is the author of nearly 170 publications and filed 4 patents in CGCRI and he edited two books entitled �Nuclear Fuel Fabrication� and �Advanced Ceramics� � published from Trans Tech Publication, Switzerland.
Last Updated on July 16, 2024