सीएसआईआर-केंद्रीय काँच एवं सिरामिक अनुसंधान संस्थान

CSIR-Central Glass & Ceramic Research Institute

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সিএসআইআর-কেন্দ্রীয় কাঁচ ও সেরামিক গবেষণা সংস্থা

सीएसआईआर-केंद्रीय काँच एवं सिरामिक अनुसंधान संस्थान

CSIR-Central Glass & Ceramic Research Institute

Former Directors

HomeFormer Directors ▸ Himadri Shekar Maiti

Himadri Shekar Maiti

Specialty: Materials Science

Born: 28 October 1947

Education: B.E., Metallurgy , Bengal Engineering College, Shibpore, West Bengal, 1969; M.Tech and Ph.D, Indian Institute of Technology(IIT), Kanpur, 1971 & 1975.

Career: Joined as a Lecturer in Materials Science Centre, IIT, Kharagpur, 1974. In the year 1979 he became Asst. Professor in IIT Kharagpur, 1979. During his 13 years tenure at IIT, Kharagpur he played a very important role in the introduction and development of the post-graduate curriculam in Ceramics as a part of Materials Science Programmed. He also engaged in basic as well as applied research in advanced ceramics particularly related to the electrical properties of glass & ceramic materials. He moved to Central Glass & Ceramic Research Institute and joined as Scientist �EII and Head, Electro-ceramics Group in January, 1987. He became Director, CGCRI on January 25,1999.

Fellow: Post doctoral fellow under the Common Wealth Fellowship programmed at the Atomic Energy Research Establishment, Harwell, U.K.. He is a fellow of The National Academy of Sciences, Allababad, India (F.N.A.Sc.); Indian National Academy of Engineers, New Delhi (F.N.A>E.); West Bengal Academy of Science and Technology, Kolkata, (F.A.Sc.T); Indian Institute of Ceramic , Kolkata, (FI.I.Ceram); Life Member, Materials Research Society of India, 1989; Life Fellow, Indian Institute of Ceramics, 1989; Life Member, Indian Ceramic Society, 1979; Life Fellow, Indian Thermal Analysis Society, 1985; Life Fellow, Society for Advancement of Electrochemical Science and Technology, India, 1996

Member: President of the Materials Science Section, Indian Science Congress, 2002, Lucknow; Hony. Secretary, Indian Institute of Ceramics(1991-94); Hony. Editor, �Transaction of the Indian Ceramic Society(bi-monthly publication), Indian Ceramic Society; President, Indian Ceramic Society. Member, Programmed Advisory Committee (PAC) on Materials, Mining and Mineral Engineering under DST, Govt. of India(1995-97 and 1998-2000); Member of a High Power Committee for State Technology Colleges, Govt. of West Bengal; Member, Physical Sciences Research Committee of EMR Schemes of CSIR(1998-2001); Member, Management Councils of RRL, Jorhat & Bhubaneswar, NML, Jamshedpur; Member, Board of Studies in Ceramic Engineering, REC, Rourkella; Member, Curriculum and Syllabi Committee for the Ceramic Technology Course at Alagappa College, Anna University, Madras; Member, Advisory Committee, C-MET, Trisur.

Awards & Honors: Recipient of Deokaran and Ganpule Awards by Indian Ceramic Society; MRSI Medal by Materials Research Society of India, Scroll of Merit award by the Indian Cryogenic Council, Kolkata.

Notable Contribution: His inspiring leadership with tireless efforts, motivation and dedication CGCRI has earned the name �Centre of Excellence� in all respect. Under his iniative and guidance signing of collaborative agreements with a number of renowned private industries including Tata Refractories Ltd., Belpahar; Network Systems Technology (NeST), Cochin; Optiware Photonics Ltd., Hyderabad in a single year in a new milestone in the history of CGCRI. He has made significant R&D contribution in the area of electro-ceramics in general and ceramic capacitors in particular; gas sensors; high Tc superconductor and solid oxide fuel cell. He has also made significant contribution in developing the area of ceramics membrane and optical fibre activity as a major programmed of the Institute. He has supervised 15 Ph.D theses; published more than 140 research and review papers in national and international journals(SCI) of repute. Filed 67 patents.

Last Updated on July 16, 2024