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সিএসআইআর-কেন্দ্রীয় কাঁচ ও সেরামিক গবেষণা সংস্থা
सीएसआईआर-केंद्रीय काँच एवं सिरामिक अनुसंधान संस्थान
CSIR-Central Glass & Ceramic Research Institute
Knowledge Resources
S & T Knowledge Resource Centre
The CGCRI KRC, a pioneer knowledge resource centre for glass, ceramics and allied fields, was also established in August 26, 1950. KRC is equipped with good collection of books, journals, patents and standards, state-of-the art facilities and technology infrastructure, professional manpower, internet connectivity and access to more than 4200 e-journals of 16 publishers, including Web of Science (Bibliographic Database), Derwent Innovation Index, Delphion (Patent Databases), ASTM Standards, Indian Standards and Indian journals under CSIR e-journal consortium. It endeavours to provide the latest information to the scientists, technologists, research scholars, research interns and project assistants of the Institute in their day-to-day R&D work and also to extend its facilities to the users of various academic, research and industrial organizations of this region including those from other Institutes of CSIR, ICAR, ICMR, IITs, BARC, in the country.
Library Services
- Circulation
- Internet Access
- Resource Sharing
- Literature Searching
- Documentation Service
- Current Awareness Service
- Document Delivery
- Photocopying Service
- News Clippings
- User Awareness & Education
Library policy and services rendered to outsiders
Library Hours: Monday to Friday (9:30 – 18.00 hrs)
Library Resource
- Current Journals: Foreign journals-57, Indian journals-34
- Library holdings: 46,309 books and bound volumes of journals
- Online Databases: Web of Science (Bibliographic Database)
- Thomson Innovation (Patent Databases),
- ASTM Standards and Indian Standards
- E Journals: More than 4200 journals of 16 publishers (Click http://nkrc.niscair.res.in/)
Dr. Omprakash Chakrabarti, Chief Scientist & Officer In-charge
Dr Chandana Patra, Principal Technical Officer & Head,
S&T Knowledge Resource Centre
Phone: (033) 2473 4396/3476 (Extn.3499)
E-mail: cpatra@cgcri.res.in
Technical / Support Staff
Name | Designation | Expertise |
Bidhan Chandra Chaudhuri | Senior Technical Officer(2) | Library management / Digital Library/ Documentation/ Database management |
Ruma Chakraborty | Senior Technical Officer(1) | Digital Library, Library service |
Aloke Kumar Ray | Senior Technician(2) | Periodical management and library services |
Proceedings of the National Seminar on Information and Knowledge Dissemination: Present Status and Future Directions (IKD-2011). Ed by Chandana Patra, Bidhan Chandra Chaudhuri, B R Mandal, Ashoke Kumar Podder, Bula Ghosh Subhra Lahiri and Namita Dutta, CGCRI, Kolkata, 2012.
Last Updated on July 1, 2019