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সিএসআইআর-কেন্দ্রীয় কাঁচ ও সেরামিক গবেষণা সংস্থা
सीएसआईआर-केंद्रीय काँच एवं सिरामिक अनुसंधान संस्थान
CSIR-Central Glass & Ceramic Research Institute

Business Development & Standardisation
Business Development & Standardisation Division
Sustainable high growth rate as envisaged by our present management demands systems and measures for efficient transfer of technologies from laboratories to the market place and commercialise them. This would not only put to use our developed technologies for the benefit of our larger population but also provide the key to solve wide ranging grass root problems of our country. In addition, it would immensely increase the satisfaction level of our scientific manpower involved in developing these technologies. Therefore, the need of the hour is to translate our capabilities into product and services that can capture international markets or into continuous improvements in shop floor productivity that could drive industrial competitiveness.
One of the important impediments in transferring our technologies is the absence of facilitating mechanisms which could help define problems, garner funds for proof of concepts and work towards creating an eco-system, consisting of designers, entrepreneurs, IP lawyers, legal service providers, advisers in company formation etc etc, conducive for commercialisation activities. Besides this, the processes and methodologies utilised for the development of these technologies need to be based on robust quality management system in order to demonstrate our commitment to consistency, continual improvement and customer satisfaction. These are tangible benefits that play an important part in building a sustainable business performance. Standardisation of these processes and procedures is also needed to be carried out through an internationally acclaimed organisation so that our outputs/outcomes become globally competitive in the international market.
Keeping this in view, Business Development and Standardisation (BDS) Division was constituted in January 2017. The objectives of the division are:
- Document new and emerging technologies that are either developed or being developed by the institute.
- Make sustainable efforts to transfer our developed technologies to user industries through Technology management plans.
- Integrate technology management aspects with R & D and business developments
- Reaching out to our stakeholders and associating them with our activities through MOU and agreements.
- Implementation of robust quality management system to enhance customer confidence and satisfaction which in turn will lead to increased business.
- Accreditation of various laboratory operating procedures by national accreditation bodies/agencies enabling greater access of our products in both domestic and international market.
Technical / Support Staff
To be updated soon
Group Photograph of One-day awareness training program on ISO 9001:2015 organised by BDS Division
Last Updated on January 10, 2020