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সিএসআইআর-কেন্দ্রীয় কাঁচ ও সেরামিক গবেষণা সংস্থা
सीएसआईआर-केंद्रीय काँच एवं सिरामिक अनुसंधान संस्थान
CSIR-Central Glass & Ceramic Research Institute
Functional Materials & Devices
The advent of smart materials, structures and systems on the one hand and the fear of burgeoning terrorism across the globe on the other hand have led to an extensive demand of sensors and actuators having tailor-made properties. Amongst different sensors, gas and vapour sensors are increasingly needed for safety, environmental monitoring and process control and find applications in diverse areas, e.g. monitoring of toxic gases like carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, chlorine, combustible gases like methane, LPG, CNG, hydrogen, automobile exhaust pollutants like SOx, NOx, hydrocarbons and measuring and controlling humidity for industrial, nuclear and domestic sectors. Also gas sensors in the form of array or e-nose are of paramount importance for detection of explosives, nerve gas, freshness of fruits and fish, monitoring tea aroma and in medical diagnostics like breath alcohol analyzer, diabetes detection etc. Presently our activity includes development of solid state sensors for detection of methane, LPG, CNG, carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, trace moisture, alcohol (breathalyzer) and acetone(biomarker of diabetes in breath).
Basically, a smart structure consists of sensors, actuators and control circuit. An actuator is a transducer capable of transducing an input energy into mechanical energy (displacement/force). Piezoelectric materials are currently used in a variety of applications as sensors and actuators and they play a pivotal role in the arena of smart materials and structures. Ultrasonic structural health monitoring (SHM) is an area where piezoelectric materials in the form of wafers/patches can act as both actuators and sensors. Our present activities include development of multilayer piezoelectric actuators, piezoelectric wafers, and lead-free piezoelectric materials. We have also initiated work on energy harvesting devices using piezoelectric materials.
Recently, to boost collaboration so as to get a tangible outcome, “Sensor Hub” has been formed at CGCRI under the patronage of DST and CSIR. Presently, in the Hub, along with CGCRI, other Institutes in and around kolkata, who have been involved in sensor and related activities for a long time, viz., Jadavpur University, Calcutta University, Bengal Engg. & Science University and Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC), Kolkata have joined hands to develop, fabricate and test electronic nose for tea aroma, MEMS-based battery operated methane and carbon monoxide sensors and arsenic detection kits. The Hub will provide pilot production and testing facilities of sensor and sensor array modules for food, agriculture and environmental applications so that the developed technologies can be transferred directly to the interested parties.
Areas of Research
- Sensors for detection of toxic and combustibles gases like methane, carbon monoxide and LPG.
- Sensors for tea aroma electronic nose
- Semiconductor sensor based breath analyzer for noninvasive monitoring of diabetes
- Humidity sensors for high temperature nuclear applications
- Trace moisture sensors for different applications
- Piezoelectric wafers for NDE of structures
- Non-lead based piezoelectric materials and multiferroic materials
- High block-force packaged multilayer piezoelectric actuators for aerospace applications
- Energy harvesting devices using piezoelectric materials
Technology Developed
- LPG leakage alarm
- Trace moisture sensors
- Piezoelectric wafers for NDE of structures
- Packaged multilayer piezoelectric actuators ( Under Development )
Sl. No. | Title of the Project | Duration | Project Category | Source of Funding | Principal Investigator | Co-Investigator (s) |
1 | Project – Development of piezoelectric ceramic composites sensor for under water application (GAP 0365) | 2018-2019 | GAP0365 | DRDO | Dr Shrabanee Sen | Mr. A K Halder (CGCRI) Mr Anshuman Seal |
2 | Development of microcontroller based humidity meter to monitor the quality of tea in North Eastern India | 2017-2020 | GAP 0361 | DST-SERB | Dr.Debdulal Saha | NIL |
3 | Development of low ppm moisture sensor and digital meters for online measurement of moisture present in transformer oil” | 2018-2020 | SSP0314 | NTPC | Dr.Debdulal Saha | Dr. Sagnik Das |
4 | Multi-detection Methods (Resistive/Opto) for pesticide residue in food matrix (WP 5.3) | 2018-2020 | HCP0016 | CSIR | Dr. Swastik Mondal | Dr. Ambarish Sanyal |
5 | Development of cost effective and easy to use analytical tool for BPA detection (WP 5.2) | 2018-2020 | HCP0016 | CSIR | Dr. Ambarish Sanyal | Dr. Swastik Mondal |
6 | NANOBIOMISSION | 2018-2020 | HCP0012 | CSIR | Dr. Mrinal Pal | Dr. Susmita Kundu |
7 | GAP0368 | DST-Nanomission | Dr. Mrinal Pal | Dr. Susmita Kundu |
Divisional Facilities
Dew point Meter & Chilled Mirror Hygrometer [Shaw Moisture Meter, England & Edge Tech, USA] |
Ceramic Multilayer Actuator Test Bench [aixACCT Systems GmbH, Germany] |
Wire bonder [West Bond Inc. USA |
Lamination Press [Washbash Indiana, USA] |
Wire bonding station [Developed at CGCRI] |
Screen Printer [Skyhill, Taiwan] |
Tape Caster [Haiku Tech Inc, USA] |
Zeta Acoustic Particle Sizer [Matec Instrument Companies, Inc, USA] |
- Dr. Somnath Bandyopadhyay,Senior Principal Scientist and Head
- Dr. Mrinal Pal
- Dr. Swastik Mondal
- Dr. Shrabanee Sen
- Dr. Susmita Kundu
- Dr. Debdulal Saha
- Dr. Ambarish Sanyal
- Mr. Anshuman Seal
- Dr. Arnab Mukherjee
Technical/Support Staff
Name | Designation | Expertise |
Mr. Shankar Biswas |
Senior Technical Officer (3) | Electrical Engineering, Maintenance of electrical equipments, Clean room etc |
Dr. Sagnik Das |
Senior Technical Officer (1) | Material preparation, sensor coating, sensor characterization. |
Md. Jalaluddin Mondal |
Senior Technician(2) | Operation & maintenance of sophisticated instruments and maintenance of gas measurement set up |
Sk. Md. Mursalin |
Technician (2) | Synthesis of sensor materials, processing of sensors & actuators, chemical stock maintenance. |
Mr. Raju Manna |
Technician (1) | Instrumentation (Maintenance & handling of sophisticated instruments ) and fabrication of sensor platform. |
Abhishek Sasmal |
Shewli Pratihar |
Puja Ghosh |
Sourav Maity |
Nirman Chakraborty |
Pratyasha Rudra |
Partha Pratim Mondal |
Preeti Lata Mahapatra |
Dr. Arindam Saha |
PI, GAP 0364/ Dr. Ambarish Sanyal |
Gaurav Ranjan Dey |
Dr. Sarani Sen |
Tanushree Das |
Sovandeb Sen |
Coming soon
Last Updated on July 23, 2019