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সিএসআইআর-কেন্দ্রীয় কাঁচ ও সেরামিক গবেষণা সংস্থা
सीएसआईआर-केंद्रीय काँच एवं सिरामिक अनुसंधान संस्थान
CSIR-Central Glass & Ceramic Research Institute

Gpa Maintenance
General Pool Accommodation (GPA) Maintenance Division
SIRSA Complex was constructed in the year 1965 with 3 Nos. G+9 Storied RCC Framed Buildings to provide accommodation facilities to the CSIR Scientists & Officers, in the same premises one 3 Storied building was constructed during 1986 for Guest House purpose, and later on one more floor was added during 2006. It is frequented by CSIR and other Central Govt. officials on Official tour. At SIRSA total no. of flats are 96 (3 nos. G+10 Buildings). SIRSA & CSIR Guest-house situated at 59 Lake Road, Kolkata- 700029.
Our Department is engaged to look after the building maintenance work and we are trying to maintain the good health of the buildings as it is the property of CSIR. We are the department, whose main objective is to give round-the-clock, un-interrupted building maintenance support service for the entire Complexes, occupied by the staffs of CSIR, by which they will be gratified. The key point of success of GPA Maintenance Division is its strong departmental philosophy which has been build through integrity of all the staff members. Along with the same, the Division is continuously walking through the engineering solution-making crossroads and thereby emerged with some uniqueness and at the same time, making the workplace more congenial.
Scope of Work:
The Department is assigned to the following works
- Maintenance of CIVIL & ELCETRICAL (HT<) works
- New Installations/ Construction work (CIVIL & ELECTRICAL)
- Plumbing and Sanitary works
- Scavenging works
- Carpentry works
Apart from above, the Department is always trying to explore various avenues of Energy Conservation measures. In the year 2014, we have installed 37.5 KWp Roof-top grid connected Solar Photo-voltaic Power Plant successfully, after that in 2017 we have enlarged the capacity by additional 63.5 KWp (Now, altogether it becomes 100 KWp) to enhance the green footprint. Some other initiatives were
- Installed Solar Hot Water systems (Flat plate collector and Evacuated Tube collector)
- Implemented area luminaries by LED’s instead of conventional lighting.
- Energy efficient pumps were also installed to meet the energy demand.
- Installed Early Streamer Emission Lightning Arrestor on the roof-top of all the buildings to protect the solar plant and also house-hold gadgets from Lightning strokes.
- We are going to install “Anaerobic Digester” , having capacity 50kg/day to convert Bio-waste including vegetables & food waste of CSIR Guest-House and Director’s flat into Manure and for producing cooking gas.
- The another step which has also be taken in the coming year is “Grey Water Recovery System (Bio-Phytoponic System) through Bioengineering Techniques (by bioremediation to recycle grey water of CSIR Guest-House).
On the other hand, speciality works like structural repairing & painting of multi-storied buildings was also carried by the Department.
- CII Energy Conservation Award for 2015-16
- CII Energy Conservation Award for 2016-17
- Got CFA/ Incentives from MNRE, Govt. Of India for implementing Solar Power Plant
Scientist Technical / Support Staff:
- Mr. Susapta Ghosh, Sr. Technical Officer (III) (Electrical)
- Mr. Sujoy Roy, Tech.-2 (Electrical)
- Mr. Paresh Chandra Narjinary, Grade-C (Non-Tech)
- Mr. Dharma Balmiki, Asstt. Manager- Guest House
Phone. : 033 2473 0615, 033 4003 3247
Last Updated on August 9, 2019