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सीएसआईआर-केंद्रीय काँच एवं सिरामिक अनुसंधान संस्थान
CSIR-Central Glass & Ceramic Research Institute

Dr. Nijhuma Kayal (Mondal)
Senior Principal Scientist
Membrane and Separation Technology Division
ISO Cell
Contact Information:
Phone: +91-(033) 23223241
Fax: +91-33-24730957
E-mail: nijhuma@cgcri.res.in
Dr. Nijhuma Kayal (Mondal)
Joined CSIR-CGCRI on 14th Sept. 2000Professional Career
Institution | Position | Period |
CSIR-Central Glass & Ceramic Research Institute, Kolkata | Junior Scientist - Sr. Principal Scientist | 2002-Continuing |
CSIR-National Physical Laboratory, New Delhi | Junior Scientist | 2000-2002 |
Degree | Discipline | University; Year |
B.Sc. | Chemistry | University of Calcutta |
M.Sc. | Inorganic Chemistry | University of Calcutta |
Ph.D. | Science | Jadavpur University |
Research Interest
- Processing and shape making of porous materials (Restricted sintering, Reaction bonding, Infiltration driven processing, Biomimetic processing, etc.)
- Porous ceramics for hot gas filtration, waste water filtration and high efficiency air filtration applications
- Corrosion resistant high temperature coating (Microporous thick coating, Nanoporous coating) for industrial application
- SiC based layered composite catalytic filter
- Materials Chemistry
Landmark Research Contribution
- Development numbers of cyanate-, thicyante-, azide-, etc bridged polynuclear inorganic complexes with prominent magnetic, electrical and structural properties.
- Development three new complexometric methods for the determination of various constituents in glass and allied samples which made the chemical analysis faster and easier.
- Development of porous SiC ceramics by infiltration driven process for hot gas filtration application
- Development of SiC based bilayered composite filters for energy and environmental applications.
- Post- doc Researcher, UK, 2002-2003
- Awarded Travel fellowship by SERB
- Awarded Travel fellowship by CSIR
- Invited speaker, Materials Science-2013, Las Vegas, USA
- Best Researcher Award, NESIN 2020
- Reviewer of SCI journals
Recent Projects (as Principal Investigator):
- Development of ceramic oxide based nano filtration membranes onto oxide-bonded porous SiC supports and their performance evaluation study for liquid, gas and particulate separation, 9.3.2022-8.3.2025
- Development of layered SiC ceramic filter for off-gas cleaning, March 2018-June 2021
- Synthesis of oxide bonded porous SiC ceramics by bond phase precursor infiltration technique – DST, 2013-2016 (Completed)
h-index:20, RG score: 35, Total citations:1368
SCI journals: 73 Nos., Book chapter- 2
Conference presentations/proceedings: 38 Nos.
Recent Papers:
- D. Das, N. Kayal*, G. A. Marsola, D. Filho and M. D. M. Innocentini, Recycling of coal fly ash for fabrication of elongated mullite rod bonded porous SiC ceramic membrane and its application in filtration, J Euro. Ceram. Soc. 40(5) (2020) 2163-2172.
- D. Das, N. Kayal*, G. A. Marsola, L. A. Damasceno and M. D. M. Innocentini, Permeability behaviour of silicon carbide-based membrane and performance study for oily wastewater treatment, Int J Appl Ceram Technol. 17 (2020) 893–906.
- D. Das, S. Baitalik and N. Kayal*, Properties of multiple oxide-bonded porous SiC ceramics prepared by an infiltration technique, Int. J. appl. Ceram. Techol. 17 (2020) 476–483.
- S. Baitalik and N.Kayal*, Thermal shock and chemical corrosion resistance of oxide bonded porous SiC ceramics prepared by infiltration technique, J. Alloy Compd., 781 (2019) 289-3014.
- A. Dey, N. Kayal*, et al., “Properties of layered oxide bonded porous SiC ceramic filter and kinetics of bond phase formation, Int. J. appl. Ceram. Techol 18(3) (2021) 869-879
M.Tech: 3, B.Tech: 4, Ph.D-3 (awarded-2, ongoing-1)
Position Available Interested candidate with CSIR-NET may apply directly for pursuing Ph.D
Last Updated on February 9, 2023