सीएसआईआर-केंद्रीय काँच एवं सिरामिक अनुसंधान संस्थान

CSIR-Central Glass & Ceramic Research Institute

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সিএসআইআর-কেন্দ্রীয় কাঁচ ও সেরামিক গবেষণা সংস্থা

सीएसआईआर-केंद्रीय काँच एवं सिरामिक अनुसंधान संस्थान

CSIR-Central Glass & Ceramic Research Institute

Scientist's Profile

HomeResearch DivisionScientists ▸ Dr. Biswanath Kundu
Dr. Biswanath Kundu

Dr. Biswanath Kundu

Senior Principal Scientist

Biomaterials and Medical Devices Division

Contact Information:

Phone: +91-33-23223337 (Direct);
+91-9831772081 (Mob);  
+91-33-24733469/96/76/77 Ext. 3337
Fax: +91-33-24730957 
E-mail: bkundu@cgcri.res.in 

Dr. Biswanath Kundu

Dr. Kundu joined CSIR-CGCRI on 21.04.2005

Professional Career

Position Held



Principal Scientist


April 2016 to Till date

Senior Scientist


April 2012 to March 2016



April 2009 to March 2012

Junior Scientist


April 2005 to March 2009

Research Fellow (JRF, SRF)


April 2001 to March 2005




University; Year

Ph.D. (Tech.)

Materials science (Bioceramics)

Jadavpur University, Kolkata 700032; 2014

B.Sc. (Tech.)

Ceramic Technology

Govt. College of Engg. & Ceramic Tech. (Erstwhile College of Ceramic Tech.), under Univ. of Calcutta, Kolkata 700010; 1999

Patents filed / Granted

Summary: Indian: 2

Research Interest

In the field of materials sciences with special reference to bioceramic and bioactive glass based materials (nano calcium phosphate based biomaterials, special bioactive glass materials for different applications including bone graft, bio-scaffolds, orbital implants, scaffold based drug delivery system for local, sustained releasing, active or passive targeting, nano-biocomposites, plasma spray hydroxyapaite coating, wound dressing systems, waste utilization, biomaterials from marine resource, etc.).

Technologies developed:

  1. Bioactive ceramic scaffolds with controlled porosity characteristics
  2. Calcium phosphate granules (single and biphasic) for dental and orthopaedic applications
  3. Hydroxyapatite based integrated orbital implant
  4. Plasma spray hydroxyapatite coating on metallic biomedical implants
  5. Al2O3 ceramic based femoral head for total hip prosthesis (ceramic-on-PE)
  6. Al2O3 ceramic based femoral head and cup for total hip prosthesis (ceramic-on-ceramic)
  7. Manufacturing ZTA based ceramic-on-ceramic articulating components for total hip replacement (THR)


S. No. Name of Award Awarding Agency Year
1. Young Scientist Award MRSI, Kolkata Chapter 2007
2. CSIR Technology Award for Physical Sciences including Engineering for developing manufacturing technology of bioceramic implants for medical applications CSIR 2010
3. Best Young Scientist Award CSIR-CGCRI 2010
4. Best Technology Transfer award (2009-2010) for the technology Bioactive coating for orthopedic and dental application transferred to M/s IFGL Bioceramics Ltd., Kolkata CSIR-CGCRI 2010
5. Best Technology Transfer award (2015-2016) for the technology Manufacture of Bioactive Ceramic Scaffolds/ Granules and Integrated Orbital Implant transferred to GESCO, Chennai CSIR-CGCRI 2016
6. Best Paper Award on Materials Science (2010-2011) CSIR-CGCRI 2010
7. Poster Award – International Conference on Design of Biomaterials (BIND-12), December 9-11, 2012. Organized by Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore IISc, Bangalore 2012
8. Best Oral paper in National Conference on Ceramics in Biomedical Applications (CBMA-2010) organized by Department of Ceramic Engineering, NIT, Rourkela during January 21-22, 2010 NIT, Rourkela, Odisha 2010
9. 2 nos. Poster Awards – Research Scholars’ Day 2015 at CSIR-CGCRI, Kolkata in Group III Engineering and Structural Ceramics CSIR-CGCRI 2015

Best Poster Award – by SBAOI, Trivandrum, India during XXVI National Conference alongwith the International Conference  on ‘Biomater, Biodiagnostics, Tissue Engineering, Drug Delivery &

Regenerative Medicine’, April 15-17, 2016 at IIT Delhi

IIT, Delhi 2016
11. Junior Research Fellowships CSIR 2001
12. Senior Research Fellowships CSIR 2004

Some Achievements:

  1. Technology Transfer, “Manufacture of bioceramic-based prosthetic implants”, licensed to M/s IFGL Refractories Ltd., Kolkata (November 2002)
  2. Technology Transfer, “Manufacture of bioactive ceramic scaffolds/ granules and integrated orbital implant”, licensed to General Surgical Company (India) Pvt. Ltd. (GESCO), Chennai (May 2015)
  3. Technology Transfer, “Manufacture of plasma spray grade hydroxyapatite granules”, licensed to M/s Emporis Implants and Surface Treatment, Navsari, Gujarat (May 2016)
  4. Technology Transfer, “Plasma spray hydroxyapatite coating on metallic biomedical implants”, licensed to M/s Emporis Implants and Surface Treatment, Navsari, Gujarat (May 2016)
  5. Technology Transfer, “Manufacture of plasma spray grade hydroxyapatite granules”, licensed to M/s Orthotech, Valsad, Gujarat (April 2016)
  6. Technology Transfer, “Manufacturing ZTA based ceramic-on-ceramic articulating components for total hip replacement (THR)”, to M/s G. Surgiwear Ltd., Shahjahanpur 242001, U.P. (June 2022)
  7. Nominated member from CSIR-CGCRI, Kolkata, of National Study Advisory Committee (SAC) on Bioceramics conceptualized by DST-TIFAC (Technology Information Forecasting and Assessment Council), New Delhi
  8. Nominated Principal Member from CSIR-CGCRI, Kolkata of the Committee: MHD 02 (Orthopedic Instruments, Implants and Accessories Sectional Committee) of Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS), New Delhi
  9. Designated RSO (Radiation Safety Officer) of CSIR-CGCRI after completing the  Training and Certification course on Radiation Safety Aspects of Gamma Irradiation Chamber (Category I Irradiators) from AERB, Mumbai [organized by Radiological Physics and Advisory Division (RPAD), Radiological Safety Division (RSD), BARC, Mumbai during November 18-26, 2013]

Memberships of professional bodies:

Sl. No.

Name of the body


Effective from


Life Member, The Indian Ceramic Society, C/o CSIR-CGCRI, Kolkata (EL-420)




Life Member, Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science, Kolkata




Life Member, Society for Biomaterials and Artificial Organs – India, Thiruvananthapuram (LM-301)




Life Member, Electron Microscope Society of India (EMSI), Mumbai (LM-703)




Life Member and Former Executive Committee Member, MRSI Kolkata Chapter (LMB-1583)




Life Member, Indian Science Congress (West Bengal) (L21805)



Publication Summary:

In SCI Journals > 90

Book chapters > 11

Total citations: > 3723

h-index = 36 (Google Scholar)

i10-index = 65 (Google Scholar)


Google Scholar Link: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=Hn8L_5MAAAAJ&hl=en


…..full list


To be updated

Five major sponsored R&D project completed

  1. Development of hydroxyapatite based modified integrated orbital implant with superior motility and its clinical trial [Society for Biomedical Technology, C/o DEBEL, DRDO; 2014-2017; Rs. 48.92 lakh; PI]
  2. Development of ceramic-based implantable delivery system for sustained release of the drugs for the treatment of osteomyelitis in human patients [DST; 2007-2010; Rs. 18 lakh; PI]
  3. New insights in cancer biology identification of novel targets and development of target based molecular medicine (with CSIR-IICB) [CSIR (Under 11th FYP); 2007-2012; Rs. 50 lakh; Co-PI]
  4. Structure of gradient nanocomposites: Interaction of bioactive glasses with nanoparticles and polymers (MoreBAGS) [Indo-Finland, DST; 2012- 2016; Rs. 41.23 lakh; Co-PI]
  5. Development of novel CSIR technology for manufacturing tailored and patient-specific bio-ceramic implants and biomedical devices at affordable cost (BIOCERAM) [CSIR (Under 12th FYP); 2012- 2017; Rs. 3970 lakh; Co-PI]

Current R&D project ongoing:

  1. Biomaterials and implants technologies for dental and musculoskeletal reconstruction [Co-PI; CSIR; HCP0026; Lead PI: CSIO, Chandigarh; 2020-2023; Rs. 169.462 lakh]
  2. Synergizing marine ecology with bioprospecting: Harnessing marine living resourcaies for products and bioprocesses (Acronym: BIOPROSmar) [PI; CSIR NCP/FBR; MLP2019; Lead PI: NIO, Goa; 2021-2023; Rs. 14.27 lakh]
  3. Development of doped bioactive glass coated eggshell membrane for diabetic burn wound healing [PI; DST SERB CRG; GAP0271; 2022-2025; Rs. 10.098 lakh]
  4. New non-calcium phosphate bioceramic and composites for accelerated skeletal regeneration [Co-PI; DST SERB CRG; GAP0270; 2022-2025; Rs. 28.66 lakh]

Other completed projects:

Sl. No. Title of Project Project Category Participating Agencies Role
1 Development of bioceramic-based implants for rehabilitation (OLP 0248) CSIR Non-Network

1. Sancheti Institute for Orthopaedics and Rehabilitation,  Pune

2. Poona Health Services Pvt. Ltd., Pune

2 Bioceramic scaffold and nano-particle based  drug delivery systems (OLP 0310) In-House Departmental (BCCD) Co-Principal Investigator
3 Plasma spray coating of synthetic hydroxyapatite on medical implants (TSP0020) Technical Service (M/s IFGL Bio Ceramics Ltd., Kolkata) Principal Investigator
4 Development of novel biomedical implants with enhanced reliability (GAP 0240) R&D; DST IPR (Dr. S. Mukherjee, Instt. For Plasma Rsearch) Gandhinagar with Dr. Anoop K. Mukhopadhyay as PI Co-Principal Investigator
5 Up-gradation of gamma radiation facility and periodic standardization for optimal RISUG production (GAP 0248) R&D; Sponsored by ICMR, GoI, New Delhi IIT Kharagpur (Prof. Prof. S.K. Guha, School of Medical Science and Technology as PI) Principal Investigator (from CGCRI)
6 Prototype development of in vivo tested HDPE based biocompatible composite with HA/Al2O3 ceramic fillers as acetabular cup for total hip replacement (GAP 0252) R&D; DBT, GoI, CEIB scheme Dr. Bikramjit Basu, IISc, Bangalore as PI Co-Principal Investigator
7 Development of novel ion doped hydroxyapatite (HAp) by spray drying method and its utilization for plasma spray coating on medical implants with/without ion doping (MLP 0203) CSIR FTT Project Principal Investigator
8 Microstructurally designed insitu toughened metallic and ceramic matrix composites for total hip arthroplasty (GAP 0254) R&D; DBT Member
9 Development of ceramic-based implantable delivery system for sustained release of the drugs for treatment of osteomyelitis and diabetes (GAP 0220) R&D; DST Univ. of Aveiro, Portugal Co-Principal Investigator
10 Bioceramic scaffold and nano-particle based  drug delivery systems (OLP 0310) R&D (In-House) Departmental (BCCD) Co-Principal Investigator
11 Multi-centred clinical trials of bioactive integrated orbital implant on human subjects R&D; ICMR, New Delhi Different eye hospitals Member



Ph. D:  Mentored – 02

M. Tech./ M. Pharm./ MDS thesis supervision: 20 (in which 3 ongoing)

BE/ B. Tech. Summer Internships: 6

M. Tech. Summer Internships: 1

Foreign Students Internships: 2


Motivated CSIR-NET qualified students, DST INSPIRE Fellows are encouraged to apply in our group for Ph. D. program and postdoctoral research associate preferably with chemistry or engineering background.


Last Updated on November 27, 2024